Prototyping tool built in Express.
It will give you a basic Express app, with templates, css and images from the GOV.UK front-end toolkit.
You may already have it, try:
node --version
Your version needs to be at least v0.10.0.
Clone this repo.
If you don't have Node, download it here:
Run the app:
node start.js
- Go to localhost:3000 in your browser.
Any code changes should update in the browser without you restarting the app.
The app recompiles app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss everytime changes are observed.
Guides for getting set up and how to work with the prototyping application are available on this repo's wiki.
- Getting started (Read this first)
- Creating routes
- Making pages
- Writing CSS
- Tips and Tricks
This project is built on top of Express, the idea is that it is straightforward to create simple static pages out of the box. However, you're not limited to that - more dynamic sites can be built with more understanding of Express. Here's a good Express tutorial.
This app uses the lib-sass implementation of Sass to compile its CSS. It's still a work in progress so is missing a few features.
The one that may effect you is the lack of support for @extend-only selectors. This means the you can't use @extend %contain-floats from the toolkit.
This is explained in more detail on the wiki.
If you need to use the Ruby version of Sass, Run the app like so:
node start.js --ruby