This project implements a GraphQL API over the Mitre-Att&ck framework dataset. The data resides in the SQL Server database. To run the API locally, you need a local server. You can either restore the database from the provided backup, or import the original Mitre data.
Download the zipped backup file from the repo: . Restore the database as new MitreAttack database using the SQL Management Studio.
- Clone the repo, open and build the solution in Visual Studio.
- Get the Mitre data zip from the repo:; unzip the 3 json files into some data folder. You need 3 files: enterprise-attack.json, mobile-attack.json, ics-attack.json.
- Locate the project Mag.Import and make it a startup project.
- Open App.config file in this project, set the "StixFolder" value to the full path of the data folder with 3 json files.
- Open SQL Management studio (SMS), connect to local or remote server. Create a new empty database MitreAttack. In the App.Config file adjust the "ConnString" value if necessary to point to this database.
- Run the app. It should show Console window and start reporting the progress. It takes a few seconds to initialize the database and import the data.
- Explore the database tables and data imported in the SMS
- Make the project Mag.GraphQL.Web a startup project.
- Open its App.config file, adjust the ConnString value.
- Run the project. It should open browser with the GraphiQL UI. Explore the data.