Decentralised Voting application using Ethereum Network
Building a secure electronic voting system that offers the fairness and privacy of current voting schemes, while providing the transparency and flexibility offered by electronic systems has been a challenge for a long time. In this work-in-progress project, we evaluate an application of blockchain as a service to implement distributed electronic voting systems. The paper proposes a novel electronic voting system based on blockchain that addresses some of the limitations in existing systems and evaluates some of the popular blockchain frameworks for the purpose of constructing a blockchain-based e-voting system. In particular, we evaluate the potential of distributed ledger technologies through the description of a case study; namely, the process of an election, and the implementation of a blockchain-based application, which improves the security and decreases the cost of hosting a nationwide election.
| stale.yml
| Election.json
| Migrations.json
| Election.sol
| Migrations.sol
| 1_initial_migration.js
| 2_deploy_contracts.js
| +---css
| | bootstrap.min.css
| |
| |
| +---images
| |
| +---js
| | app.jss
| | bootstrap.min.jss
| | truffle_contract.jss
| | web3.min.jss
| |
| +---index.html
| .gitkeep
| election.js
- NPM:
- Truffle:
- Ganache:
- Metamask:
Follow the steps below to download, install, and run this project.
git clone
$ npm install
Open the Ganache GUI client. This will start your local blockchain instance.
$ truffle migrate --reset
You must migrate the election smart contract each time your restart ganache.
- Unlock Metamask
- Connect metamask to your local Etherum blockchain provided by Ganache.
- Import an account provided by ganache.
$ npm run dev
Visit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000
If you get stuck, want to collaborate or found a bug, please raise an issue.