<<<<<<< HEAD
This is purely a demo of Ionic v2.0 alpha and is still in development. There is not an actual Ionic Conference at this time.
- Clone this repository.
- Run
npm install --production
on project root. - Install the ionic-cli if not already (
npm install -g ionic@alpha
) - Run
ionic serve
in project root. - Profit
- Tabs - [ template | code ]
- Segments - [ template | code ]
- Search bar - [ template | code ]
- Sliding items with buttons - [ template | code ]
- Modals - [ template | code ]
- Toggle / switches - [ template ]
- Cards - [ template ]
- Sticky headers - [ template ]
- Grid - [ template ]
- Using Angular HTTP for JSON - [ code | usage ]
- Adding an attribute (no-lines) dynamically - [ template | code ]
- Using Config - [ code ]
├── node_modules/ * Node dependencies
├── platforms/ * Cordova generated native platform code
├── plugins/ * Cordova native plugins go
├── resources/ * Images for splash screens and icons
├── www/ * Folder that is copied over to platforms www directory
│ ├── app/ * Contains our application code
│ │ ├── about/ * About page
│ │ │ ├── about.html * Page template
│ │ │ └── about.js * Page code
│ │ │
│ │ │── components/ * Example components
│ │ │ ├── date-format.js * Import moment.js and format date
│ │ │ ├── schedule-list.js * List component
│ │ │ └── schedule-list.html * List template
│ │ │
│ │ ├── app.html * Application template
│ │ ├── app.js * Main Application configuration
│ │ └── app.scss * Sass imports
│ │
│ ├── build/ * Contains compiled content
│ │ ├── css * Compiled CSS
│ │ ├── fonts * Copied Fonts
│ │ └── js * ES5 compiled JavaScript
│ │
│ ├── img/ * App images
│ │
│ └── index.html * Main entry point
├── .gitignore * Example git ignore file
├── package.json * Our javascript dependencies
├── README.md * This file
├── tsconfig.json * Configures the TypeScript compiler
├── config.xml * Cordova configuration file
├── ionic.config.js * Ionic configuration file
└── webpack.config.js * Webpack configuration file
We'll also be showing how to use native plugins:
- Camera access
- Geolocation =======
Life Connect App