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{rjd3workspace} offers several functions to wrangle JDemetra+ v3.x workspaces.

Seasonal adjustment with X-12ARIMA can be done with the package {rjd3x13} and with TRAMO-SEATS with the package {rjd3tramoseats}.


{rjd3workspace} relies on the {rJava} package

Running rjd3 packages requires Java 17 or higher. How to set up such a configuration in R is explained here

Latest release

To get the current stable version (from the latest release):

  • From GitHub:
# install.packages("remotes")
install.packages("rjd3workspace", repos = c("", ""))

Development version

You can install the development version of {rjd3workspace} from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")



dir <- tempdir()

y <- rjd3toolkit::ABS$X0.2.09.10.M
jws <- .jws_new()
jsap1 <- .jws_sap_new(jws, "sa1")
add_sa_item(jsap1, name = "x13", x = rjd3x13::x13(y))
add_sa_item(jsap1, name = "tramo", x = rjd3tramoseats::tramoseats(y))
save_workspace(jws, file.path(dir, "ws.xml"))

jws <- .jws_load(file = file.path(dir, "ws.xml"))
.jws_compute(jws) # to compute the models
jsap1 <- .jws_sap(jws, idx = 1) # first SAProcessing
jsa1 <- .jsap_sa(jsap1, idx = 1) # first SAItem
#> [1] "x13"
mod1 <- .jsa_read(jsa1)

Create SA-item with path

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("rjdverse/rjd3providers")

dir <- tempdir()

xlsx_file <- paste0(system.file("examples", package = "rjd3providers"), "/Insee.xlsx")
ts1 <- rjd3providers::spreadsheet_series(file = xlsx_file, sheet = 1L, series = 3L)

y <- ts1$data
jws <- .jws_new()
jsap1 <- .jws_sap_new(jws, "sa1")
add_sa_item(jsap1, name = "x13", x = rjd3x13::x13(y))
set_ts(jsap = jsap1, idx = 1L, y = ts1)
add_sa_item(jsap1, name = "tramo", x = rjd3tramoseats::tramoseats(y))
set_ts(jsap = jsap1, idx = 2L, y = ts1)

save_workspace(jws, file.path(dir, "ws.xml"))

jws <- .jws_load(file = file.path(dir, "ws.xml"))
.jws_compute(jws) # to compute the models
jsap1 <- .jws_sap(jws, idx = 1) # first SAProcessing
jsa1 <- .jsap_sa(jsap1, idx = 1) # first SAItem
#> [1] "x13"
mod1 <- .jsa_read(jsa1)

Change path of an SA-ITEM

xlsx_path <- normalizePath("data/IPI_nace4.xlsx", mustWork = TRUE)
csv_path <- normalizePath("data/IPI_nace4.csv", mustWork = TRUE)
ws_path <- normalizePath("WS/ws_industrie.xml", mustWork = TRUE)

jws <- .jws_open(file = ws_path)

# Update all the second SA-Processing with a new path
    jws = jws,
    new_path = xlsx_path,
    idx_sap = 2L

    jws = jws,
    new_path = csv_path,
    idx_sap = 1L

save_workspace(jws = jws, file = ws_path, replace = TRUE)

Package Maintenance and contributing

Any contribution is welcome and should be done through pull requests and/or issues. pull requests should include updated tests and updated documentation. If functionality is changed, docstrings should be added or updated.


The code of this project is licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL).