Dark Elegant Flavored - Academic Project Website Template
Clean, simple and responsive academic project website powered by Bootstrap 4. You can easily update it with another content source for your own project. Demo
Change the fields of DATA
in script/content.js
Some projects based on this template:
- Inria - Learning Obstacle Representation for Neural Motion Planning
- Inria - Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Imagined Subgoals
- Inria - Assembly Planning from Observations under Physical Constraints
- Inria - Learning Video-Conditioned Policies for Unseen Manipulation Tasks
- Inria - Object Goal Navigation with Recursive Implicit Maps
- Inria - Robust Visual Sim-to-Real Transfer for Robotic Manipulation
- Inria - PolarNet: 3D Point Clouds for Language-Guided Robotic Manipulation
- Inria - Towards Generalizable Vision-Language Robotic Manipulation: A Benchmark and LLM-guided 3D Policy
Feel free to add your example by forking the repo, adding a new line to the list and creating a pull request.
Contributions are always welcome!