- install cairo per https://www.npmjs.com/package/canvas
- install npm canvas per https://www.npmjs.com/package/canvas
- ^^^ If on windows, to install the above you may first have to install C++ windows 8.1 SDK
- ^^^ to do the above you may also have to first create a C++ project in VS2015 per https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33183161/node-gyp-error-tracker-error-trk0005-failed-to-locate-cl-exe-the-system-c
- install python 2.7 or set temporarily set your python executable path to a python 2.*x version
- install npm - https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-node
npm install
npm install -g webpack-dev-server ava-ts cross-env
npm run dev
./node_modules/.bin/gulp coverage
<< BROKEN: don't do this right now as of 2/28/2017
This project uses vue.js, vuex.js and TypeScript. To learn more, visit the following links.
The project is also using WebStorm as the primary development environment.