GPS Panel is a simple web application to present information from your GPS. It depends on gpsd daemon, which reads raw data from your GPS device.
GPS Panel is based on Python Flask micro-framework. It has a built-in webserver and by default listens on port 8625. Install the pre-requisites:
$sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Copy the gpspanel folder to DIRECTORY (eg. /var/www/)
The GPS Panel can be run as a standalone server. It can be started manually by invoking python:
$ python3 DIRECTORY/gpspanel/
Then using your favorite web browser, go to http://your_ip_address:8625
To enable the GPS Panel to automatically start after a system reboot, a systemd service file is provided for your convenience:
Description=GPS Panel
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 DIRECTORY/gpspanel/
The above service files assumes you copied the gpspanel directory to DIRECTORY - replace DIRECTORY with real path to gpspanel on your system.
Copy the gpspanel.service file to /etc/systemd/system:
sudo cp gpspanel.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/gpspanel.service
Now configure systemd to load the service file during boot:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable gpspanel.service
sudo systenctl start gpspanel.service
After startup, check the status of the GPS Panel service:
sudo systemctl status gpspanel.service
If all appears OK, you can start using GPS Panel using any browser.
To test GPS Panel while you don't have your GPS connected you can use gps_test.log. Just run gpsfake in your terminal to emulate gpsd service:
gpsfake -c 1 gps_test.log