'dotfiles' includes .vimrc, .gvimrc, .zshrc and so on.
- OS: MacOSX or Linux(Ubuntu, CentOS...)
- git 1.9 or later
- mercurial
- (C++) clang-format 3.4 or later
- Vim with lua and clipboard
- tmux 1.9 or later
- zsh 5.0.7 or later + Prezto
- ag: The Silver searcher (for Unite grep)
- ctags
- MacOSX
$ brew install vim --with-lua
$ brew install tmux
# for tmux clipboard
$ brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
$ brew install zsh
$ brew install ctags
$ sudo aptitude install vim vim-nox vim-gtk vim-gnome vim-athena
# use shime's script
$ curl -fsSL https://gist.github.com/shime/5706655/raw/install.sh | sudo bash -e
# for clipboard
$ sudo aptitude install xclip xsel
$ sudo aptitude install zsh
$ sudo aptitude install silversearcher-ag
$ sudo aptitude install mercurial
$ sudo aptitude install exuberant-ctags
- CentOS
See also gists.
# install xclip xsel
$ sudo yum install xclip xsel mercurial
Install following Prezto README. Don't forget to change login shell zsh.
Installing peco cmd
# If u set GOPATH, u can install peco like this.
$ go get github.com/peco/peco/cmd/peco
# but u can select how u install peco.
$ cd
$ git clone https://github.com/rkaneko/dotfiles.git
$ cd dotfiles
$ git submodule init && git submodule update
$ ./setup.sh
# add option -2 for tmux-color OR set alias(see dotfiles/.bashrc.alias
$ tmux -2
# (on tmux)
# install tmux plugins managed with tpm
$ [tmux's prefix] I
# update tmux plugins
$ [tmux's prefix] U
# after install golang
# install ghp: a github's repository manager
$ go get github.com/motemen/ghq
# install gh: hub clone implemented with golang
$ go get github.com/jingweno/gh
# install Tig: text mode interface for Git
$ ghq get https://github.com/jonas/tig.git
$ cd ~/.ghq/github.com/jonas/tig/
# (for build tig)
$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
$ sudo make clean && sudo make distclean && sudo make && sudo make install
$ source ~/.bashrc
# see tig's help
$ tig -h
# (and see dotfiles/.tigrc)
# gvm (Go version manager)
$ curl -s -S -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moovweb/gvm/master/binscripts/gvm-installer | bash -s master $HOME/.govm
$ echo [[ -s "/home/rkaneko/.govm/gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "/home/rkaneko/.govm/gvm/scripts/gvm" >>$HOME/.zshrc.local
# symbolic link as govm (for avoid conflicting with Groovy enVironment Manager)
$ (cd $GVM_ROOT/bin; ln -s gvm govm)
$ source $HOME/.zshrc
$ go get github.com/nsf/gocode
$ go get github.com/golang/lint/golint
If u want to IME off when u escapes Vim insert mode, please see this Web site