Bookmarklet to automatically play the "HTML5 flappy bird".
Written for/tested with: The Festo-variant "festy" of
- Create a new bookmark (ideally on the bookmark bar).
- Name: e.g. "flappy-bot"
- URL: contents of flappybot-bmlet.js
- Open the flappy-bird-page.
- Click on the flappy-bot-bookmark (while being on the the page directly before the start; it does not work on the game-over-page).
- Click on the flappy-bird-page to start the game.
Test run scores:
- 258
- 1294
- 783
- get next tube
- if no tube and bird near bottom: click
- if bird-position <= height-of-lower-tube + 5: click
This simple strategy works surprisingly well, but can fail e.g. at high
bird-y-velocities (=if dy > 5).
(To solve this, the "5" could made dependent on the current velocity,
or the the next bird-position could be predicted;
but this would make the code much longer. ;))
Next steps:
- How to run bookmarklets on Android/iOS?
- Build an electromagnetic touchpen,
connect it to a phone or a Raspberry Pi (with camera),
add some computer vision and let the phone/Raspberry Pi play. ;)