This repository contains the materials used during the meetup events held by R-Ladies Rotterdam
February 2018. First Meetup of the R-Ladies Rotterdam
- Introduction R-Ladies Rotterdam
- Presented by Ingrid Szilagyi /Slides
- Using R for my research. Model uses: Markdown & Shiny apps
- Presented by Elrozy Andrinopoulou
- How to use Blogdown
- Introduction R-Ladies Rotterdam
November 2018. Second Meetup
- Introduction to Bokeh
- Presented by Elena He
- Lightning talk: Table One package
- Presented by Paloma Rojas /Slides
- Introduction to Bokeh
December 2018. Workshops:
- Intro to git:
- Dplyr package:
- Presented by Paloma Rojas /Slides
April 2019. Tidyverse special edition: Workshop
- Presented by Paloma Rojas /Materials
- Slides:
June 2018. Work happieR: A workshop on project oriented workflow in R:
- Presented by Eline Krijkamp / Materials
- Slides:
July 2019. How diversely do we read? Web scrapping in R
- Presented by Kate Saunders / Materials