The card game Shithead implemented in Python and PyGame.
sudo apt install git python-pip
git clone Shithead
cd Shithead
pip install --user .
To get started, simply execute the shithead program by typing:
$ python -m shithead
- Use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor.
- Use the tab key to switch through the different card collections.
- Press the space bar to select a card and space again to unselect it. You can also select multiple cards, but only if they are from the same collection (switching between collections is disabled when a card is selected).
- Press return to play the selected cards. If you have selected the discard pile and pressed return you will take all the cards from it.
The default special cards are:
- 2 to burn all cards from the discard pile
- 3 to make yourself invisible and skip your turn
- 7 to make the opponent skip his turn
- 9 to make the opponent play a card with rank 9 or lower
The 2 and 3 can be played on any card, while the 7 and 9 can only be played if their rank allows it.