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Ric Lister edited this page May 24, 2013 · 1 revision

Sendgrid source shows time-series data from sendgrid api.

Metric options

  • type: sendgrid
  • proxy: will probably need to be set true to get around same-origin policy
  • api_user: your username
  • api_key: your login password
  • target: name of statistic to show

Sendgrid data resolution is daily, so there is not much point in looking at shorter periods.


var dash = Dash.stats()
    type:     'sendgrid',
    proxy:    true,
    api_user: 'username',
    api_key:  'password'

].forEach(function(metric) {
    title:  Dash.capitalize(metric),
    target: metric


There appears to be an issue with retrieving data for periods > 1 day that needs to be investigated. In general, dates are problematic since Sendgrid treats all dates as CT and errors out if your timezone is ahead of CT.

It is probably possible to create .find() method to list categories using /stats.get.json?list=true. This should be implemented.

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