Team members: Nikhil Kakodkar (McGill ID: 260578689) & Karim Koreitem (McGill ID: 260460964)
Install Pycolab:
pip install git+
clone repo:
git clone
- track1_part1_dynaQ.ipynb : The main report containing all the results and discussion for Part 1 (DynaQ experiments) of the assignment
- track1_part2_experience_replay.ipynb : The main report containing all the results and discussion for Part 2 (Experience replay discussion) of the assignment
- core/
- : The base file containing all the functions necessary for the assignment.
- : An interface for the pycolab game engine.
- utils/
- : An utility script for creating configuration files for the experiments.
- : A python library containing utility functions.
- config/
- blocking.config : An example blocking maze configuration file
- shortcut.config : An example shortcut maze configuration file
Github does not render the animations we have included in the last section of track1_part1_dynaQ.ipynb (Visualizing the value function), which shows the evolution of the Q-value as number of steps increases. To see this please download the notebook.