A BBS on-hook tool
See user guide
Use Tcl Expect script to login and rest on a specific discussion board. An user information file needs to provide as input. The format is quadruple strings for each line, which defines a user login:
<user> <password> <loginstr> <default_board>
where each field is optional.
If is set, it will be used as the SSH connection(ssh <loginstr>
It can be normal user@host format like
host alias set for the Host
field in ~/.ssh/config like bar.foo
in the
below example
Host bar.foo <-----
Hostname bbs.bar.net
User foo
This SSH configuration way can provide more control of login. For example, if you want to connect behind a forwar proxy
Host bar.foo
Hostname bbs.bar.net
User foo
ProxyCommand `which ncat` --proxy-type socks5 --proxy %h %p
<board_name> specifies which BBS board the cursor will rest in after login. This field is optional and the default board set in the corresponding *.tcl file will be used if omitted.
The Tcl Expect script will send \0
to BBS at regular intervals of every 2
minutes to avoid connection drop by the server.
When a series of commands are done after login, the script process will be left in the interactive mode, users can visit the BBS as usual.
Each user session is created in a single pane window of a Tmux session for a BBS. So n different user logins, n Tmux windows in 1 Tmux session. Users can freely attach or detach the Tmux session anytime, from one virtual console or another, from local or remote, which is very flexible.
e.g. To attach to a Tmux session called smth
on remote server rpi-lan
ssh rpi-lan -t tmux a -t smth
Put the tmux launch script in cron table, and schedule it to run periodically like every hour. Every time when the script starts, it will examine whether the BBS session exists and all login connections are alive. If not, it will recover the broken Tmux session. If userinfo file is updated and newer than the timestamp when the session was created, the session will get killed and recreated.
See docker guide and arg6/bbs24x7
on dockerhub.
- SSH/Telnet client
- Tcl/Expect and Tcllib
- Luit (2.0+)
- Tmux
is used to translate character set and solve the "garbled text"
problem met when visit east Asian BBS. On Debian 11, the default luit(1.1.1)
installed as a part of x11-utils is too old, may cause unexpected issues
like segmentation fault. Build and install from luit 2.0 source. On
Debian 12, the default luit installed is v2.0, so no need to build from