MyBatisProfiler is a Plugin for MyBatis that keeps track of executed mapped statements.
Example output:
| MappedStatement | Times | Min. Response | Max. Response |
+-------------------- ---------------------+-------+---------------+---------------+
| | 7| 1| 4|
| | 1| 6| 6|
First add mybatis-profiler-0.1.jar
to your classpath.
Next register the plugin in your MyBatis configuration. You can do this either in the XML configuration file or programmatically.
<plugin interceptor="org.raupach.plugin.profiler.MyBatisProfiler" />
configuration.addInterceptor(new MybatisProfiler());
You can start and stop profiling programmatically or with a servlet filter.
Configure the MyBatisProfilerFilter in your web.xml
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
Session session = SessionManager.newSession("Untitled0");