Simple password manager written in Python.
- Generate a password a. Gets an inputted length and returns a rnadom combination of letters and numbers
- Store a password a. Takes a username, password, and website title, encrypts it, and stores it in a database
- Retrieve a password a. Specific Website i. Takes a specific website name and retrieves it from the database b. All Websites i. Fetches all website names from databse and puts them into a drop down menu ii. The credentials for the selected website is then outputted
- Tkinter - One of Python's GUI libraries
- RSA - Python's implemetation of the RSA system
- SQLite3 - Python's interface for SQLite databases
- Cryptography - Key generation and encryption
In its current state, the program only stores information for one user, me. In the future I would like to add the ability for multiple users.