CHIP-8 is a interpreted programming language which was first used for DIY computer systems in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Fifteen years after CHIP-8 was introduced, the language was revived by Andreas Gustafsson, who created a CHIP-8 interpreter for the HP48 graphing calculator.
- 4KB RAM from location 0x000 to location 0xfff.
- 16 general 8-bit registers, usually refered to as Vx, where x is a hexadecimal digit (0 through F).
- I register: 16-bit register used to store memory addresses, so only the lowest 12 bits are usually used.
- 2 special purpose 8-bit registers for delay and sound timers.
- IP, SP 8-bit registers
- 64x32-pixel monochrome display
For Debian-based sistems:
- make
- gcc
- libsdl2-dev
Clone the repository and go into the folder. There, run the following commands:
$ make -j$(nproc) $ sudo make install
In order to run the emulator you have to provide a CHIP-8 rom file. You can find some CHIP-8 rom files in the rom
or on the internet:
$ chip8 UFO