This file contains the instructions to run the solution. Prerequisites:
- Java
- Maven
First Solution: Json Parsing solution for removing "password" keys from json. Can be tested by accessing http://localhost:4567/jsonparse
Second Solution: Scrabble Boggle can be tested by accessing http://localhost:4567/scrabbleboggle.
Execution Instructions:
- clone the git repo from the instructions mentioned in the email.
- cd into the repo and run the following command mvn clean install. This command will build the solution.
- Now to to run the solution do mvn exec:java. The solution will run on the default port 4567.
- To test Json Parse, from postman select POST operation and add To test with different combinations update testJsonParse.json and run below command.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @testJsonParse.json http://localhost:4567/jsonparse
- To test Scrabble Boggle from cmd/terminal execute the below command. For the below example the output is 1. To test with different combinations update testScrabbleBoggle.json and run below command.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @testScrabbleBoggle.json http://localhost:4567/scrabbleboggle