AngularJS Directive for Google Analytics Embed API
- Authorization
- Add DataCharts
- Add ViewSelectors
- Connect DataCharts with ViewSelectors
- Create Reports
bower install nganalytics
orbower install fly-analytics
- or download src/ng-analytics[.min].js
- or download latest release
- include ng-analytics[.min].js in your index.html before your module definition
<script type="text/javascript" src="src/ng-analytics.min.js"></script>
- add the ng-analytics module to your module/app dependencies
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', ['ngAnalytics']);
- set your Google Analytics clientId in your
// inject ngAnalyticsService['ngAnalyticsService', function (ngAnalyticsService) {
ngGAService.setClientId('YOUR_CLIENTID'); // e.g.
- add ng-analytics directives to your DOM
Handles user authorization with Google.
<ng-analytics-auth label="Hallo: " hide-on-auth="true" auth-container="embed-api-auth-container"></ng-analytics-auth>
- label (optional, default: Google default) - string with label of user account (e.g. "You are logged in as: " -> result: "You are logged in as:")
- hide-on-auth (optional, default: 'false') - bool-string if account string (see "label") should be hidden after authorization
- auth-container (optional, default: 'embed-api-auth-container') - string for the id of the created DOM-element
Shows dropdowns to switch views for a website.
<ng-analytics-view view-selector-container="view-selector-container" auth-container="embed-api-auth-container"></ng-analytics-view>
- auth-container (optional, default: 'embed-api-auth-container') - string of the id of the auth-container - required to connect view with the authorization
- view-selector-container (optional, default: 'view-selector-container') - string for id of the created DOM-element
Adds a chart and can be connected to a viewSelector.
<ng-ga-chart chart="chart" view-selector-container="view-selector-container" auth-container="embed-api-auth-container"></ng-ga-chart>
- chart (required) - object (scope variable) for a google analytics ('ids' are not necessary if connected with viewSelector, 'container' is required to build DOM-nodes and inject the Google chart-object) - e.g.
reportType: 'ga',
query: {
metrics: 'ga:sessions',
dimensions: 'ga:date',
'start-date': '30daysAgo',
'end-date': 'yesterday',
ids: 'ga:XXXXXX' // put your viewID here or leave it empty if connected with a viewSelector
chart: {
container: 'chart-container-1', // id of the created DOM-element
type: 'LINE',
options: {
width: '100%'
- view-selector-container (optional) - string of id for connected viewSelector
- auth-container (optional, default: 'embed-api-auth-container') - string of the id of the auth-container - required to connect chart with the authorization
Adds report functionality to angular. Sends single or multiple report-queries and get informed about the repsonse.
<ng-analytics-report queries="queries" auth-container="embed-api-auth-container" view-selector-container="view-selector-container"></ng-analytics-report>
- queries (required) - array of report-query object (scope variable) (query. ids is required for each report-query if not connected with viewSelector, e.g.
query: {
ids: 'ga:xxxxxx', // put your viewID here
metrics: 'ga:sessions',
dimensions: 'ga:city'
- view-selector-container (optional) - string of id for connected viewSelector
- auth-container (optional, default: 'embed-api-auth-container') - string of the id of the auth-container - required to connect report with the authorization
AngularJS events which are triggered by the directive.
- $gaReportSuccess - triggered after all report requests finished successfully, returns results of the queries and the connected DOM-element to easily process the data and put it in the DOM (like using chart.js)
$rootScope.$on('$gaReportSuccess', function (event, response, element) {
// process the 'response' and put it in the 'element'
- $gaReportError - triggered if a report request failed, returns results of the query and the connected DOM-element to easily process the error-data and put it in the DOM
$rootScope.$on('$gaReportError', function (event, response, element) {
// process the error 'response' and put it in the 'element'