Pruned DFT spread FBMC is a novel modulation scheme with the remarkable properties of a low PAPR, low latency transmissions and a high spectral efficiency. It is closely related to FBMC, OFDM and SC-FDMA and I first proposed it in my PhD thesis, see Chapter 6. A more detailed description can be found in R. Nissel and M. Rupp, “Pruned DFT Spread FBMC: Low PAPR, Low Latency, High Spectral Efficiency”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018.
The Python script simulates a pruned DFT spread FBMC transmission over a doubly-selective channel (time-variant multipath propagation) and compares the performance to OFDM, SC-FDMA and FBMC.
Furthermore, the included classes (QAM, DoublySelectiveChannel, OFDM, FBMC) can also be reused in future projects.
- A Matlab code of pruned DFT spread FBMC with much more features can also be found on GitHub.
Just run in Python 3.
Requires the packages: numpy, scipy(sparse), matplotlib, time and mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.
* for "nr_rep = 1000"
Note that pruned DFT spread FBMC does not require a CP and thus has a higher data rate than conventional SC-FDMA.
author = {R. Nissel and M. Rupp},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Communications},
title = {Pruned {DFT} Spread {FBMC}: Low {PAPR},Low Latency, High Spectral Efficiency},
year = {2018},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
doi = {10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2837130},
ISSN = {},
month = {},
- R. Nissel and M. Rupp, “Pruned DFT Spread FBMC: Low PAPR, Low Latency, High Spectral Efficiency”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2018 to appear.
- R. Nissel, “Filter bank multicarrier modulation for future wireless systems”, Dissertation, TU Wien, 2017.