- The Beauty and the Beast: JavaScript meets JMX - JayDay 2013, Munich
- Docker for (Java) Developers - Docker Munich Meetup #2, 2014, ConSol
- Jolokia - JMX on Capsaicin - JavaZone, 2014, Lightning Talk - Video
- Docker for Java Developers - JBoss OneDayTalk, 2014, Germering
- Docker für Java Entwickler - W-JAX14, 2014, Munich
- Spicing up JMX with Jolokia - Devoxx 2014, Antwerp (Demo code)
- JSR-373: On the way to a new Java EE Management Standard - JavaLand, Brühl, 03/2015
- Docker für Java Entwickler - JavaLand, Brühl, 03/2015
- fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift - DevOpsCon, Berlin, 06/2015
- Docker für Java Entwickler - JAX, Mainz, 4/2015
- fabric8 - Devoxx, Antwerp, 11/2015 - Video
- Howto grow Chili Peppers - Devoxx, Antwerp, 11/2015, Ignite Talk - Presenter Notes
- Docker for Java Developers & fabric8 ... and Docker, Kubernetes & OpenShift - Java User Group Cologne, 1/2016
- Docker Patterns - Javaland, Brühl, 3/2016 - Slides, Docker Image
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - JAX, Mainz, 4/2016 - Slides, Docker Image
- Docker Patterns - DevOpsCon, Berlin, 6/2016
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - JBCNConf, Barcelona, 6/2016 | Video
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - JUG Nürnberg, Nuremberg, 6/2016
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - Docker Meetup Bamberg, Bamberg, 7/2016
- Jolokia 2.0 - JavaZone, Oslo, 9/2016 - Video
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - jugh!, Kassel, 9/2016, Video (GER)
- Jolokia 2.0 & Kubernetes for Java Developers - JavaSi'16, Portorož, 10/2016
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - Devoxx MA, Casablanca, 11/2016
- Docker Patterns - ContainerConf, Mannheim, 11/2016
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - jugh!, Kassel, 9/2016, Video (GER)
- Kubernetes und OpenShift als Microservices Plattform - MicroService Summit, Berlin, 11/2016
- Docker Container Loading - DevOpsCon 2016, Munich, 12/2016 | Interview
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - Kubernetes Meetup, Munich, 3/2017
- Docker Container Loading - DevOpsGathering 2017, Bochum, 3/2017 | Video
- Docker Patterns - JAX Mainz, 5/2017 | Interview
- Kubernetes for Java Developers - JAX Mainz, 5/2017
- Docker Patterns - VoxxedDays Athens, 5/2017 | Video
- Docker Container Loading - DevOpsCon Berlin, 6/2017 | Interview
- Docker Patterns - JBCNConf Barcelona, 6/2017 | Video
- Docker Patterns - Docker Meetup Bamberg, 7/2017
- Kubernetes Patterns - JavaZone Oslo, 9/2017 | Video
- Java-Entwicklung im Zeitalter von Kubernetes und OpenShift, DevOps Meetup Frankfort, 10/2017 | Interview
- Docker und OpenShift, iThink Park Nuremberg, 10/2017
- Kubernetes Patterns, JUG Nuremberg, 11/2017
- Java-Projekte für Kubernetes und OpenShift entwickeln, W-JAX Munich, 11/2017 | Video
- Docker-Patterns – Best Practices aus der echten Welt, W-JAX Munich, 11/2017
- Become a Cloud-Native: Java Development in the Age of the Whale, DevOpsCon Munich, 11/2017
- Kubernetes Pattern, DevOpsCon Munich 11/2017 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - DevOps Gathering Bochum, 2/2018 | Video
- Java-Entwicklung im Zeichen des Wales - JavaLand Brühl, 3/2018
- Java Development in the age of the Whale - JUG Münster, 4/2018
- Von Legacy zu Cloud - JAX Mainz, 4/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns - JAX Mainz, 4/2018
- iPaaS: Integration for non-techies - Red Hat Summit San Francisco, 5/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns - DevOpsCon Berlin, 5/2018
- Kubernetes for Java developers - Objektforum Mannheim, 6/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns - JUG Thüringen, Jena, 6/2018 | Video
- From Legacy To Cloud - JBCNConf Barcelona, 6/2018 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - Datev Hackerkegeln Nürnberg, 7/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns - DevOps Meetup Würzburg, 7/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns: Foundational, Structural, Config and Advanced - DevNation Live, 10/2018 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - W-JAX München, 11/2018
- Von Legacy zu Cloud - W-JAX München, 11/2018
- Kubernetes Patterns - Devoxx Morocco, 11/2018
- Shell Ninja: Mastering the Art of Shell Scripting - DevOpsCon München, 12/2018 | Video
- From Legacy to Cloud - DevOpsCon München, 12/2018
- Kubernetes Operators - DevOpsGathering Bochum, 3/2019 | Video
- Container Java - Javaland Brühl, 3/2019
- Kubernetes Patterns - JAX Mainz, 5/2019
- Wie fit ist Java für die Cloud ? - JAX Mainz, 5/2019 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - RivieraDev Sophia Antipolis, 5/2019
- Shell Ninja: Mastering the Art of Shell Scripting - DevOpsCon Berlin, 6/2019 | Video | Interview
- The Status Quo of Kubernetes Operators - DevOpsCon Berlin, 6/2019 | Video | Interview
- Knative - Container Days Hamburg, 6/2019 | Video
- Modern event-driven Workloads with Knative - Serverless Architecture Conference Berlin, 10/2019 | Video
- Knative - W-JAX Munich, 11/2019
- Kubernetes Operators and how to implement them the Hard Way - DevOpsCon Munich, 12/2019
- Serverless Workloads with Knative - DevOpsCon Munich, 12/2019
- Knative Introduction - Cyberland, 3/2020 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - microXchg pre-Event, 04/2020
- Knative - microXchg pre-Event, 04/2020
- Knative Introduction for the Curious Java Developer - Red Hat Developer Webinar, 5/2020 | Video
- Modern event-driven workloads with OpenShift Serverless - Red Hat Virtual Summit, 5/2020 | Video
- Kubernetes Patterns - Virtual Kubecon, 8/2020 | Video
- The Serverless Framework meets Knative with OpenShift Serverless - openshift.tv, 10/2020
- Serverless with Knative - JAX, 10/2020
- Serverless mit Knative - JCON Online, 10/2020 | Video
- KubeCon Office Hours: Event-Driven Applications with Knative - openshift.tv, 11/2020
- AMA: Knative Introduction and Road Map Update - openshift.tv, 01/2021
- OpenShift Commons Briefing on Knative Project - openshift.tv, 01/2021
- Modern event-driven Workloads with Knative - j4k.io, 6/2021 | Video
- The Level Up Hour (E49): Getting started with Serverless - openshift.tv, 10/2021
- Modern Event Driven Workloads with Knative - W-JAX Munich, 11/2021
- Connecting the World to Knative with Kamelets - KnativeCon Valencia, 05/2022 | Video
- theCube - Interview - KubeCon Valencia, 05/2022
- Containerful Serverless - JAX Mainz, 03/2022
- Containerful Serverless - DevOpsCon Berlin, 06/2022
- Keynote: Containerful Serverless - KnativeCon NA Detroit, 10/2022 | Video
- Elastic Kubernetes - DevOpsCon Munich, 11/2022
- Modern event-driven Workloads with Knative - W-JAX Munich, 12/2022
- Containerful Serverless - W-JAX Munich, 12/2022
- Knative's Road Ahead: A Project Update - KubeCon EU Amsterdam, 04/2023 | Video
- Hands-on Knative - DevOpsCon Berlin, 06/2023
- Kubernetes Patterns - DWX Nuremberg, 06/2023
- All Cloud-Native Services Are Vulnerable — Block Exploits with Security Behavior Analytics - KubeCon NA Chicago, 11/2023 | Video
- Hands-on Knative: A Practical Dive into Serverless with Kubernetes - DevOpsCon Munich, 12/2023
- Deploying Your Apps to Kubernetes Without the Boilerplate, AppDeveloperCon, 03/2024 | Video
- 10 Years of Kubernetes Patterns Evolution KubeCon EU Paris, 03/2024 | Video