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seamstress is an art engine and batteries-included Lua runtime


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Seamstress is an art engine. It provides a Lua environment for users to create sequencers, music, games, visuals, etc. It is inspired by norns, Love2D, Hydra and Node.js. Seamstress version 2 is alpha software.


Seamstress version 2 may be built from source or installed via Homebrew. To install via Homebrew, run the following commands.

brew tap robbielyman/seamstress
brew install seamstress --HEAD

Building from source

To build from source, you’ll need the Zig compiler, version 0.13.0. You can download it from the linked website, or install via a package manager like Homebrew. To compile seamstress, clone this repository (make sure you’re on the correct branch) and run zig build in the repository root.

Doing so will place the compiled executable in ./zig-out/bin. You can add this folder to your $PATH, or copy the files installed into zig-out somewhere in your $PATH. Now by default, seamstress will expect the file structure present within zig-out to be reflected wherever it is copied, so if you copy seamstress into /usr/local/bin, you should copy share/seamstress into /usr/local/share/seamstress, but see the section on environment variables.


Aside from the Zig compiler, seamstress depends on a number of Zig projects, as well as some C libraries.

Zig dependencies

This section is informational; these dependencies are fetched by the Zig compiler when building seamstress from source and do not need to be installed separately.

  • libxev, a cross-platform event loop inspired by io_uring.
  • ziglua, Zig bindings for the Lua C API. Additionally, ziglua compiles and statically links against the C library liblua.

C dependencies

These dependencies must be present on your system in order to use seamstress and must be installed separately. The Homebrew formula automates this step, but building from source does not.

Optional dependencies

Although not necessary for all operations of seamstress, certain functionality may not work as expected if a dependency listed here is not present.

  • LuaRocks (in particular busted) is required for running the Lua unit tests. Additionally, the seamstress Lua environment can require LuaRocks modules.
  • lua-language-server in a text editor that supports the language server protocol, is not necessary for writing seamstress programs, but will provide documentation, completion, etc.


Although this README will aim to be reasonably in-depth, it by itself does not aim to be complete documentation for seamstress.

Environment variables

Seamstress pays attention to the state of the following environment variables at startup

  • $SEAMSTRESS_LUA_PATH, which defaults to expanding out the relative path ../share/seamstress/lua is used to find (or override) the Lua code that seamstress ships with.
  • $SEAMSTRESS_HOME, which defaults to $HOME/seamstress, is used to find user-provided files, like the startup configuration script
  • $SEAMSTRESS_CONFIG_FILENAME, which defaults to config.lua, is the filename used to configure seamstress at startup.

    Additionally, when luarocks is available, seamstress alters for iteslf the value of the following environment variables, replacing them with the output of luarocks path.

    • $LUA_PATH
    • $LUA_CPATH
    • $PATH

Starting seamstress

Seamstress may be invoked from the command line as seamstress [filename], where [filename] is an optional argument naming the “root” Lua file of the desired script. If filename is “test”, seamstress will attempt to run a suite of unit tests using the luarocks framework busted and exit. Notice that although if busted (or luarocks) is not installed, these tests will not be run, it is not necessary to install luarocks or busted to run seamstress.

At startup, seamstress opens a Lua environment and executes the (equivalent of the) following Lua code.

function loadConfig()
  local not_new = {}
  for key, _ in pairs(_G) do
    table.insert(not_new, key)
  local ok, err = pcall(dofile, os.getenv("SEAMSTRESS_HOME") ..
                        package.config:sub(1,1) ..
  if not ok then
    if err:find("No such file or directory") then return end
  for key, value in pairs(_G) do
    local found = false
    for _, other in ipairs(not_new) do
      if key == other then
        found = true
    if found == false then
      seamstress.config[key] = value
      _G[key] = nil

seamstress = require "seamstress"
seamstress.event = require "seamstress.event"
pcall(dofile, seamstress.config.script_name)
seamstress.event.publish({ "init" })

The function loadConfig(), in words, scans the global table, storing keys it finds in the array not_new. Then it loads the seamstress config file, which on Unix-like systems is found at (in Bash notation) $SEAMSTRESS_HOME/$SEAMSTRESS_CONFIG_FILENAME and then scans the global table again. This time, any new keys are placed under seamstress.config and removed from the global table. this frees up the syntax of the config file, using global variables instead of worrying about namespacing under seamstress. Naturally all entries under seamstress.config are made available to user scripts. Some seamstress modules may alter their behavior depending on configuration; refer to the module’s documentation for information on what is available.

It’s worth noting: the call to dofile means that code in config.lua is evaluated. This makes configuring seamstress a powerful opportunity in and of itself, akin to configuring neovim.

After the configuration step, the seamstress script is also evaluated. As with the configuration file (indeed, the evaluation of any Lua file), any top-level code statements are executed. As a reminder, the nature of Lua is that files are executed from top to bottom. In particular, functions must be declared before they are used. Consider the following example code.

f() -- error: attempt to call a nil value (global 'f')

function g()
  f() -- this won't function correctly if f below is made local

function f()
  print "f is defined!"

f() -- prints "f is defined!"
g() -- prints "f is defined!"

local function h()
  print "h is a local function!"

function k()
  h() -- this will work because k "closes over" h, which is already defined.

k() -- prints "h is a local function!"

Finally, after all of these events, an “init” event is posted; see more about the seamstress event system below.


Not to be confused with the event loop, seamstress includes a “pub/sub” event system, similar in design to the LuaRocks project mediator. This system is available under seamstress.event (and as require "seamstress.event").

This system is thoroughly integrated into seamstress’s module system; many modules default to posting an event when they wish to make changes in the environment available to the running script.

There are a few concepts to explain: “Channels”, “Subscribers”, “namespaces” and “callbacks”.


A Channel is a Lua table which holds a table of sub-channels and callbacks (really Subscriber objects). Channels can be retrieved by calling seamstress.event.get(namespace), where namespace is an array of strings representing the namespace of the channel.

Namespaces and callbacks

Channels and their callbacks are “namespaced” by using an array of strings, { "like", "this" }, with handlers for more general namespaces being called after more qualified handlers. In lua-ls notation, each handler callback is a Lua function that should have “signature” fun(event: string[], …): boolean, any?. That is, an event handler callback takes as arguments the (fully qualified) namespace for the event, followed by any arguments passed after the event to seamstress.event.publish. The function should always return either true or false and may optionally return another value. These optional values are collected into an array which is returned by the seamstress.event.publish call. The boolean indicates whether other handlers should be called after this one; true for yes and false for no.


A Subscriber is a Lua table holding a callback function and some options. Subscribers are created (and registered to a namespace) with the seamstress.event.addSubscriber(namespace, fn, options) function. Here, namespace is an array of strings, and options is an optional table, with two meaningful entries: priority and predicate. If priority is a non-nil positive integer, it represents the order in which the callback should be called; 1 for first, 2 for second, and so on. A priority of 0 will be evaluated last. If predicate is a non-nil function, it will be evaluated with the arguments to seamstress.event.publish and the callback will be skipped if predicate does not return a truthy value. As mentioned above, fn should be a Lua function of “signature” fun(event: string[], …): boolean, any?.

Calls to seamstress.event.addSubscriber will return the created Subscriber table; they can also be retrieved by calling seamstress.event.getSubscriber with the value of, and can be removed with seamstress.event.removeSubscriber.

Publishing an event

When calling seamstress.event.publish(namespace, …), each of the callback functions registered at the given namespace is called in order of priority. As mentioned above, each function should be a Lua function of “signature” fun(event: string[], …): boolean, any?. If the first return value is falsey, subsequent callbacks are not called and seamstress.event.publish returns. Any subsequent return values are coalesced into a list, which is returned when seamstress.event.publish finishes.

Consider a call to seamstress.event.publish({ "nested", "namespace" }). If all of the callbacks registered at { "nested", "namespace" } return truthy values, the call to publish continues by calling callbacks registered at { "nested" } (and finally at the “root” namespace {}).

Asynchronous code

Seamstress provides JavaScript-style asynchronous code execution via require 'seamstress.async' and require 'seamstress.async.Promise'. Like the pub/sub event system, these modules are also automatically available as seamstress.async and seamstress.async.Promise.


A Promise is an opaque handle to a unit of code execution which is driven by the seamstress event loop. Like many seamstress object types, one creates Promise objects by calling seamstress.async.Promise as a function. This function takes at least one argument, which should be a function. Any further arguments are passed to this function as its arguments. Under the hood, this function is executed on a separate Lua coroutine, and so can call coroutine.yield and other yielding functions.

As in JavaScript, functions passed to seamstress.async.Promise always execute and have no builtin cancelation mechanism. Every time a Promise function yields, the seamstress event loop schedules an event which will resume the function’s execution until it returns or errors.

Therefore a Promise is in one of three states: it is either mid-execution, in which case it is “pending”, or it has “settled”, either successfully, in which case we say the Promise is “resolved”, or there was an error, in which case the Promise is “rejected”. To sequence code to execute after a Promise has settled, call its anon method.


Promise:anon(resolve, reject) takes one (optionally two) functions as arguments. The first, resolve, will be called if the Promise resolves, and receives any values returned by the given Promise as arguments. The second, reject, defaults to function(err) error(err) end and will be called if the Promise rejects with error message err. Promise:anon returns a new Promise, which settles once the initial Promise has settled. Note that this new Promise will resolve in all cases unless the resolve or reject handler itself throws an error.

Promise:catch and Promise:finally

There are two convenience methods, catch and finally provided. Promise:catch(reject) is equivalent to calling Promise:anon(resolve, reject) with resolve = function(...) return ... end, while Promise:finally(handler) is equivalent to calling Promise:anon(handler, handler).

Promise.any, Promise.all and Promise.race

These functions (which are called as semastress.async.Promise.all, for example, and not as methods on a Promise object) provide a convenient method for many-to-one transformations on Promises. Each one takes in a variable number of Promises as arguments and returns a new Promise whose settling is dependent on the settling of the arguments passed in. Promise.all, for instance, will resolve once all its arguments resolve, but will reject if any of them reject. Promise.any resolves it any of its arguments resolve, and rejects only once all of them reject. Promise.race settles in the same way as the first of its arguments to settle. Note that Promise.race, for instance, does not cancel execution of any of its arguments even though it may settle faster than some of them.

async functions

Similar to seamstress.async.Promise, the table seamstress.async is also callable as a function, taking in a function as an argument. Unlike seamstress.async.Promise, calling seamstress.async returns a function, which returns a Promise when called. For example, consider the following code

local fn = seamstress.async(function(x) return x + 2 end)
local promise = fn(5)
promise:anon(function(x) print("received " .. x) end)
-- prints "received 7"

That is, every invocation of fn will return a new Promise which corresponds to a new asynchronous invocation of the function initally passed as an argument to the call to seamstress.async. This Promise may be chained with anon like any other.


When in an asynchornous context, like within a Promise, one may use Promise:await as a convenient way of “unwrapping” Promise objects to get the values they return. For example, consider the following code

local fn = seamstress.async(function(x) return x + 2 end)
local promise = seamstress.async.Promise(function()
    local y = fn(5):await()
    print("received " .. y)
    -- prints "received 7"

In this code, fn(5):await() creates a new Promise object and invokes its await() method. This method repeatedly yields the current coroutine (hence must be called from within an asynchronous context like a coroutine) until the Promise settles. If the Promise resolves, any values returned by the Promise are themselves returned by the call to await(). If the Promise rejects, an error is thrown. Thus the above code is functionally identical to—but perhaps easier to read than—the following code

local fn = seamstress.async(function(x) return x + 2 end)
local promise = seamstress.async.Promise(function()
    local p = fn(5)
        print("received " .. y)
    end, function(err) error(err) end)


seamstress is an art engine and batteries-included Lua runtime







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