Markup language that can be used for defining text to be read by Text-to-Speech systems like Web Speech API or Google Text-to-Speech API.
Part of the examples below. Rest can be found nicely written in Google Cloud Docs.
To run 2 scripts from the
directory, you need to set up the Google Cloud account and then Authenticate to Text-to-Speech.
<p><say-as interpret-as="time" format="24">12:00</say-as></p>
<p><say-as interpret-as="unit">10 foot</say-as></p>
<p><say-as interpret-as="ordinal">1</say-as> grade</p>
<p><say-as interpret-as="duration" format="m:s">12:30</say-as></p>
Interpreting something in a specific way (as currency, unit, duration, etc.).
More in Docs.
<media begin="1s">
<audio src="">
<desc>T-rex roar</desc>
<speak>You can hear the sound of the t-rex in the background.</speak>
Bringing sounds together.
<media begin="1s">
<speak>Sentence after 1 second.</speak>
<media begin="3s">
<speak>And another 3 seconds after the previous one.</speak>
Like par
but in sequence, not in parallel.
Part of the par
or seq
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˌmænɪˈtoʊbə">manitoba</phoneme>
<phoneme alphabet="x-sampa" ph='m@"hA:g@%ni:'>mahogany</phoneme>
Phonetic transcription.
See: Supported phonemes and levels of stress.
<s>Here comes the conversation.</s>
<s><voice gender="female">I am a woman.</voice></s>
<s><voice gender="male">I am a man.</voice></s>
<s><voice language="pl-PL" gender="male">A ja jestem z Polski.</voice></s>
Setting a voice.
<s>Some text <break time="1s" /> and then text after 1 second.</s>
And then <break strength="medium" />text after medium-strength break
<break strength="x-weak" />x-weak break and <break strength="x-strong" />x-strong break
<p>Let's listen to the sound of the t-rex!</p>
<audio src="">
<desc>T-rex roar</desc>
Playing audio.
<prosody rate="slow">This is the slow voice.</prosody>
<prosody rate="x-fast">This is the very fast voice.</prosody>
<prosody volume="x-soft">This is the very soft voice.</prosody>
<prosody volume="x-loud">This is the very loud voice.</prosody>
<prosody pitch="low">This is the low pitch voice.</prosody>
<prosody pitch="high">This is the high pitch voice.</prosody>
<prosody pitch="-10st">This is the customized pitch voice.</prosody>
<prosody pitch="+10st">This is another customized pitch voice.</prosody>
Giving specific tone to the voice.
<emphasis level="strong">This is an important announcement.</emphasis>
<emphasis level="moderate">This is an important announcement.</emphasis>
<emphasis level="emphasis">This is an important announcement.</emphasis>
<emphasis level="reduced">This is an important announcement.</emphasis>
I like to call it prosody
's presets.
<p><s>This is sentence one.</s><s>This is sentence two.</s></p>
Paragraphs and sentences.
<sub alias="World Wide Web Consortium">W3C</sub>
Replacing text with something specific to read. Useful in case of abbreviations for instance.