Allows for the creation of single or clustered zookeeper container.
Example for running a zookeeper cluster of 2.
There are 2 important configuration parameters that are used to configure zookeeper.
ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES which is a csv of ordered hosts i.e. ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES=,
is used to configure the "zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg"
MY_ID=1 which represents the ID of this zookeeper node and is written to the /data/zookeeper/myid file
** It is important that MY_ID and ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES are configured such that when composing the docker run
command that the node that is being created should have a MY_ID that corresponds to the position in the ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES.
Considering the example a MY_ID=2 would be used when starting a docker on which is the 2nd position in the
Optional -v /data/zookeeper:/data/zookeeper to map to a host dir so that zookeeper state is maintained on the host
Example 2 hosts zookeeper nodes and
On host1= the docker run
docker run --name zookeeper -v /data/zookeeper:/data/zookeeper -e MY_ID=1 -e ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES=, -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 -d roberthutto/centos-zookeeper
On host2= the docker run
docker run --name zookeeper -v /data/zookeeper:/data/zookeeper -e MY_ID=2 -e ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES=, -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 -d roberthutto/centos-zookeeper
General run
docker run --name zookeeper -v /data/zookeeper:/data/zookeeper -e MY_ID=<node_position_in_ensemble_host_names> -e ENSEMBLE_HOST_NAMES=<host1,host2,...> -p 2181:2181 -p 2888:2888 -p 3888:3888 -d roberthutto/centos-zookeeper