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Matlab/Octave code for solving optical coherence tomography inverse problems.

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A startup.m file and .octaverc file are provided to set up the code path
for the software automatically. If these fail to run for whatever reason
the code path can be set up manually. Enter the following commands:

>>> addpath('./kernels');
>>> addpath('./solvers');
>>> addpath('./lib/regu');

If you wish to run the test suite, you will also need to execute
>>> addpath('./museum');
>>> addpath('./tests');
>>> addpath('./lib/omtest');

If you are running matlab, you need to run
>>> addpath('./lib/omtest/matlab_missing');
>>> addpath('./lib/matlab_missing');
These libraries contain implementations of some functions present in 
octave but not matlab

Finally, if running the code on octave (rather than matlab), you will
>>> addpath('./lib/octave_missing');
The octave_missing library contains a matlab compatible implementation
of the lsqr algorithm (which isn't currently available in octave)

The two functions intended for use by end users are "solve_1d" (for
solving generalised laminate problems) and "solve_3d" (for solving 2D or
3D problems). Refer to the help for those functions.

User will in general need to specify
1. A Fredholm kernel (which depends on the type of illuminating beam).
To find the names of the kernel functions, inspect the m files in the
'./kernels' folder
2. The interferometric measurements S
3. The sampling points of S (for 1D problem, this is just the 
wavenumbers, for 3D problem it is wavenumbers plus beam axis positions)
4. The spectral envelope of the illuminating source (A(k)), sampled at 
the same locations in the k domain as S
5. The sample thickness
6. Remaining options are passed to the solver as a struct. To pass a 
value for the parameter 'key' the value 'val' create the struct using
the solve_1d_opts or solve_3d_opts helper functions, i.e.
>>> opts_struct = solve_1d_opts('key',val);
Muliple key/value pairs can be passed in any order:
>>> opts_struct = solve_1d_opts('key2',val2,'key1',val1,'key3',val3);
keys that are not specified by the user are set to "sensible" default
For a list of recognised key/value pairs, and default values, refer to 
the help for solve_1d_opts and solve_3d_opts.

Solve a 1D problem (generalised laminate) using an LSQR solver, with
w^2(B) constrained regularisation, B the diffraction limit, with
- Gaussian beam
- Filon discretised kernel, with 201 discretisation points
- S and A sampled at the points ki
- sample thickness zf
- Solve to relative tolerance of rtol
- Limit LSQR solver to 30 iterations
- Beam focussed in plane z=z0
- Objective lens numerical apperture NA
- Background susceptibility function f(z) (pass as a function handle)
>>> kernel_generator = fastcall_gauss_kernel_lsq_filon(0,pi/NA,z0);
>>> [chi, error, iterations] = solve_1d(...
		kernel_generator, S, A, ki, zf, ...

The tests are located in the "tests" subfolder.

To run the full test suite, type at the matlab/octave prompt
>>> cross_test();

To run a specific test, look up the name of the test in the "tests"
folder. The test name is the same as the name of the m file, minus the 
".m" extension (e.g. 'test_lpf_quad_lsqr')
To run the specific test, type at the prompt
>>> cross_test('test_name');

A summary of test results will be displayed. The testing framework
should run on both matlab and octave unmodified. The code for the test
framework itself is located in the 'lib/omtest' subfolder.

The full test suite should pass on both matlab and octave. New tests can
be created by creating a new m file in the tests subfolder. A test file 
must begin with the boilerplate
function ret = NAME_OF_TEST(varargin)
	test_names = find_tests(mfilename());
	for ii = 1:length(test_names) 
		tests{ii} = str2func(test_names{ii}); 
	ret = run_tests(tests, test_names);

After the boilerplate, test functions can be added. The test functions
should return a status and a message. Status is an integer code, set to
0 for PASS and greater than 0 to indicate a failure. message is a string
message. Refer to exisiting test files for more information


Matlab/Octave code for solving optical coherence tomography inverse problems.






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