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Yanhao Yang edited this page Oct 8, 2021 · 24 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the convention for joint and leg numbering in the RobotState message?

The joint arrays in spirit_msgs::RobotState are defined such that indices 0 = abad0, 1 = hip0, 2 = knee1, 3 = abad1, 4 = hip1, 5 = knee12, 6 = abad2, 7 = hip2, 8 = knee2, 9 = abad3, 10 = hip3, 11 = knee3. Legs are numbered such that 0 = front left, 1 = back left, 2 = front right, and 3 = back right. So calling state_msg.joints.positions[4] would give you the joint position of the back left hip motor.

Confusingly, Ghost Robotics does NOT use this definition, and instead has their urdf and /mcu/state/jointURDF use the following ordering: 0 = hip0, 1 = knee0, 2 = hip1, 3 = knee1, 4 = hip2, 5 = knee2, 6 = hip3, 7 = knee3, 8 = abd0, 9 = abd1, 10 = abd2, 11 = abd3. To correct this, our ground_truth_publisher.cpp reads their message and maps from their ordering to ours, see the joints_order_ vector in the source code . Likewise our estimator_plugin.cpp maps from the alphabetical order in Gazebo to our order.

Common errors

ERROR: Unable to communicate with master!

No ROS master detected - if on the remote computer make sure to source (which sources the appropriate setup.bash). Otherwise you probably haven't issues and roslaunch commands yet.

Can't SSH into Jetson TX2

Power cycle the USB ethernet adapter by turn on&off the USB hub port.