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Merge pull request #71 from robotology/controllers_dev
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Controllers dev
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gabrielenava authored Aug 17, 2016
2 parents 7b97db5 + 61e3a80 commit aa6199f
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Showing 114 changed files with 6,065 additions and 3,771 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
%% startup_mexWholeBodyModel.m
% Run this script only once to permanently add the required folders for using mexWholebodymodel toolbox to your
% MATLAB path.

fprintf('\nmexWholeBodyModel Toolbox\n');

installDir = '@CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX@';
mexDir = [installDir, filesep, 'mex'];
mexWrapDir = [mexDir, filesep, 'mexwbi-wrappers'];
mexUtDir = [mexDir, filesep, 'mexwbi-utilities'];

if exist(mexDir, 'dir')

if exist(mexUtDir, 'dir')

if exist(mexWrapDir, 'dir')

fileDir = userpath;
pathSeparatorLocation = strfind(fileDir, pathsep);

if isempty(fileDir)
error('Empty userpath. Please set the userpath before running this script');
elseif size(pathSeparatorLocation, 2) > 1
error('Multiple userpaths. Please set a single userpath before running this script');

if (~isempty(pathSeparatorLocation))
fileDir(pathSeparatorLocation) = [];

fprintf('Saving paths to %s\n\n', [fileDir, filesep, 'pathdef.m']);

if (~savepath([fileDir, filesep, 'pathdef.m']))
fprintf(['A file called pathdef.m has been created in your %s folder.\n', ...
'This should be enough to permanentely add all the mexWholeBodyModel-Toolbox to ', ...
'your MATLAB installation.\n'], fileDir);
disp('There was an error generating pathdef.m To proceed please manually add the contents of variables mexDir, mexUtDir, mexWrapDir to your matlabpath');
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -59,3 +59,11 @@ enable_testing()


#STARTUP mexWholeBodyModel-TOOLBOX
# The following line is to properly configure the installation script of the mexWholeBodyModel-toolbox
configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/startup_mexWholeBodyModel.m)
# Install configuration files
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/startup_mexWholeBodyModel.m DESTINATION mex)

22 changes: 8 additions & 14 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,29 +5,23 @@ Matlab MEX interface to the wholeBodyModel C++ interface, implemented to be able
It is recommended to install the `mex-wholebodymodel` throught the [`codyco-superbuild`](
Once you installed the `codyco-superbuild`, the `mex-wholebodymodel` files should have been installed in
`${CODYCO_SUPERBUILD_ROOT}/build/install/mex` and its subdirectories (for the `mex-wholebodymodel`, this directories are `mexwbi-wrappers` and `mexwbi-utilities`).
To execute scripts that use `mex-wholebodymodel`, make sure that this directories are part of your [MATLAB search path](
To execute scripts that use `mex-wholebodymodel`, make sure that this directories are part of your [MATLAB search path]( To this purpose, run only once the script `startup_mexWholeBodyModel.m` in
`${CODYCO_SUPERBUILD_ROOT}/build/install/mex`. This should be enough to premanently add the required directories to your MATLAB path.

## Examples

### Rigid Body Dynamics
An example on how to use mex-wholebodymodel to compute the dynamics quantities of
a rigid body is available at [examples/rigidBodyDynamics.m](examples/rigidBodyDynamics.m).

## Matlab-src

### Controllers simulations
In [matlab-src/torqueBalancing_matlab](matlab-src/torqueBalancing_matlab/) the user can find two different
simulations of whole-body controller implemented using the mex-wholebodymodel interface. One uses the Stack of task approach while
the other is a Joint Space controller.
For more information please check the relative [README_SoT](matlab-src/torqueBalancing_matlab/StackOfTask_balancing/) and

### Joint space linearization
In [matlab-src/jointSpaceLinearization](matlab-src/jointSpaceLinearization/) there is a program which linearize the joint space of the system, when balancing
on 1 foot, controlled with 'Stack of Task' approach. For further informations check the relative [README](matlab-src/jointSpaceLinearization/).
## Controllers
In [controllers](controllers/) the user can find different
simulations of whole-body controller implemented using the mex-wholebodymodel interface. The official controller version is
in the folder [controllers/torqueBalancing](controllers/torqueBalancing/), while in the folder
[controllers/experiments](controllers/experiments/) other balancing controllers are implemented.
All the utility function for control are in [controllers/utilityMatlabFunctions](controllers/utilityMatlabFunctions/). For more informations about the balancing controller check the relative [README](controllers/torqueBalancing/).

## Mex-wholebodymodel

This folder contains all the matlab and C++ utilities used for tests and controllers.

## Tests
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
% This is the initialization script for torque balancing simulation of the robot
% iCub using Matlab.
% The user can set the parameters below to generate different simulations.
% The forward dynamics integration is available for both the robot balancing
% on one foot and two feet, and for the robot standing or moving, following
% a CoM trajectory. It is also possible to use a QP program to ensure the contact
% forces at feet are inside the friction cones. A linearization setup for both
% analysis and gains tuning purpose is available, too.
% Author : Gabriele Nava (
% Genova, May 2016

% ------------Initialization----------------
close all
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BASIC SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
%% Configure the simulation
CONFIG.demo_movements = 0; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.feet_on_ground = [0,1]; %either 0 or 1; [left,right]

%% QP solver and gains tuning procedure
CONFIG.use_QPsolver = 0; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.gains_tuning = 1; %either 0 or 1

%% Visualization setup
% robot simulator
CONFIG.visualize_robot_simulator = 1; %either 0 or 1
% forward dynamics integration results
CONFIG.visualize_integration_results = 0; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.visualize_joints_dynamics = 1; %either 0 or 1
% linearization and gains tuning
CONFIG.visualize_gains_tuning_results = 1; %either 0 or 1; available only if gains_tuning = 1

%% Integration time [s]
CONFIG.tStart = 0;
CONFIG.tEnd = 5;
CONFIG.sim_step = 0.01;

%% Generate the joint references with the inverse kinematics solver
CONFIG.jointRef_with_ikin = 1; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.visualize_ikin_results = 0; %either 0 or 1
CONFIG.ikin_integration_step = 0.01;

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADVANCED SETUP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
% tolerances for pseudoinverse and QP
CONFIG.pinv_tol = 1e-8;
CONFIG.pinv_damp = 5e-6;
CONFIG.reg_HessianQP = 1e-3;

%% Verify the joint space linearization; stability analysis procedure
% run the simulation with CONFIG.linearizationDebug = 1 to verify that the
% joint space linearization is performed properly, and to check the
% controlled system's stability
CONFIG.linearizationDebug = 1; %either 0 or 1

% enter in debug mode
if CONFIG.linearizationDebug == 1

CONFIG.demo_movements = 0;
CONFIG.use_QPsolver = 0;

%% Forward dynamics integration setup
% CONFIG.integrateWithFixedStep will use a Euler forward integrator instead
% of ODE15s to integrate the forward dynamics.
CONFIG.integrateWithFixedStep = 0; %either 0 or 1

% The fixed step integration needs a desingularization of system mass matrix
% to converge to a solution
if CONFIG.integrateWithFixedStep == 1

CONFIG.massCorr = 0.05;
CONFIG.massCorr = 0;

% integration options
CONFIG.options = odeset('RelTol',1e-6,'AbsTol',1e-6);

%% Visualization setup
% this script modifies the default MATLAB options for figures and graphics

% this is the figure counter. It is used to automatically adapt the figure
% number in case new figures are added
CONFIG.figureCont = 1;

%% Initialize the robot model
CONFIG.ndof = 25;

%% Initial joints position [deg]
leftArmInit = [ -20 30 0 45 0]';
rightArmInit = [ -20 30 0 45 0]';
torsoInit = [ -10 0 0]';

if CONFIG.feet_on_ground(1) == 1 && CONFIG.feet_on_ground(2) == 1

% initial conditions for balancing on two feet
leftLegInit = [ 25.5 0.1 0 -18.5 -5.5 -0.1]';
rightLegInit = [ 25.5 0.1 0 -18.5 -5.5 -0.1]';

elseif CONFIG.feet_on_ground(1) == 1 && CONFIG.feet_on_ground(2) == 0

% initial conditions for the robot standing on the left foot
leftLegInit = [ 25.5 15 0 -18.5 -5.5 -0.1]';
rightLegInit = [ 25.5 5 0 -40 -5.5 -0.1]';

elseif CONFIG.feet_on_ground(1) == 0 && CONFIG.feet_on_ground(2) == 1

% initial conditions for the robot standing on the right foot
leftLegInit = [ 25.5 5 0 -40 -5.5 -0.1]';
rightLegInit = [ 25.5 15 0 -18.5 -5.5 -0.1]';

% joint configuration [rad]
CONFIG.qjInit = [torsoInit;leftArmInit;rightArmInit;leftLegInit;rightLegInit]*(pi/180);

%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FORWARD DYNAMICS INTEGRATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
function [dchi,visualization] = forwardDynamics(t,chi,CONFIG)
%FORWARDDYNAMICS is the function that will be integrated in the forward
% dynamics integrator.
% [dchi,visualization] = FORWARDDYNAMICS(t,chi,config) takes
% as input the current time step, T; the robot state, CHI
% [13+2ndof x 1]; the structure CONFIG which contains the
% user-defined parameters.
% The output are the vector to be integrated, DCHI [13+2ndof x1]
% and the structure VISUALIZATION which contains all the parameters
% used to generate the plots in the visualizer.
% Author : Gabriele Nava (
% Genova, May 2016

% ------------Initialization----------------
% waitbar

%% Robot Configuration
ndof = CONFIG.ndof;
gain = CONFIG.gain;
qjInit = CONFIG.qjInit;
xCoMRef = CONFIG.xCoMRef;

%% Robot State
STATE = robotState(chi,CONFIG);
RotBase = STATE.RotBase;
omegaBaseWorld = STATE.omegaBaseWorld;
quatBase = STATE.quatBase;
VelBase = STATE.VelBase;
dqj = STATE.dqj;
qj = STATE.qj;
PosBase = STATE.PosBase;

%% Set the robot state (for wbm functions)
wbm_setWorldFrame(RotBase,PosBase,[0 0 -9.81]')

%% Robot Dynamics
m = M(1,1);

%% Robot Forward kinematics
RFootPoseEul = FORKINEMATICS.RFootPoseEul;
LFootPoseEul = FORKINEMATICS.LFootPoseEul;

%% Joint limits check
% jointLimitsCheck(qj,t);

%% Interpolation for joint reference trajectory with ikin
if CONFIG.jointRef_with_ikin == 1
trajectory.JointReferences = interpInverseKinematics(t,CONFIG.ikin);
trajectory.JointReferences.ddqjRef = zeros(ndof,1);
trajectory.JointReferences.dqjRef = zeros(ndof,1);
trajectory.JointReferences.qjRef = qjInit;

%% CoM trajectory generator
trajectory.desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM = trajectoryGenerator(xCoMRef,t,CONFIG);

if CONFIG.linearizationDebug == 1
% linearized joint accelerations
visualization.ddqjLin = trajectory.JointReferences.ddqjRef-CONFIG.linearization.KS*(qj-trajectory.JointReferences.qjRef)...

%% Balancing controller
controlParam = runController(gain,trajectory,DYNAMICS,FORKINEMATICS,CONFIG,STATE);
tau = controlParam.tau;
fc = controlParam.fc;

%% State derivative computation
omegaWorldBase = transpose(RotBase)*omegaBaseWorld;
dquatBase = quaternionDerivative(omegaWorldBase,quatBase);
NuQuat = [VelBase;dquatBase;dqj];
dNu = M\(Jc'*fc + [zeros(6,1); tau]-h);
% state derivative
dchi = [NuQuat;dNu];

%% Parameters for visualization
visualization.ddqjNonLin = dNu(7:end);
visualization.dqj = dqj;
visualization.qj = qj;
visualization.JointRef = trajectory.JointReferences;
visualization.xCoM = xCoM;
visualization.poseFeet = [LFootPoseEul;RFootPoseEul];
visualization.H = H;
visualization.HRef = [m*trajectory.desired_x_dx_ddx_CoM(:,2);zeros(3,1)];
visualization.fc = fc;
visualization.f0 = controlParam.f0;
visualization.tau = tau;


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