Package bp128 implements SIMD-BP128 integer encoding and decoding. It requires an x86_64/AMD64 CPU that supports SSE2 instructions.
For the original C++ version and other fast encoding and decoding schemes see this.
go get
Godoc documentation can be found here.
I used a Core i5 2415M (2.3GHz) with 8GB DDR3-1333 RAM for these benchmarks. For the test data, I generated 2^20 32-bit clustered integers in the range [0, 2^29) by following these instructions. These clustered integers are then grouped into 256KiB chunks before being fed into an encoder/decoder. The resulting encoding/decoding speed is measured in millions of integers per second (mis).
You can run these benchmarks by running these commands in terminal.
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run benchmark.go
Here are the results.
BenchmarkPack32 894 mis
BenchmarkUnPack32 2279 mis
BenchmarkDeltaPack32 1163 mis
BenchmarkDeltaUnPack32 3443 mis
BenchmarkPack64 511 mis
BenchmarkUnPack64 1596 mis
BenchmarkDeltaPack64 577 mis
BenchmarkDeltaUnPack64 2265 mis