This is the official documentation for the
Prepend this URL to each endpoint:
- Get Episodes of Bohne
- Get Single Episode
- Get all Episodes of Season
- Get all Episodes By Show
- Get the last published Episodes (Preview)
- Get single random episode ID
- Get Abobox Content for self
- Get all unsorted (no season set) Episodes By Show
- Get Episodes of Bohne (Preview)
- Get Single Episode (Preview)
- Get all Episodes of Season (Preview)
- Get all Episodes By Show (Preview)
- Get all unsorted Episodes By Show (Preview)
- Add playlist items to playlist
- Add playlist items to playlist by playlist type
- Create new playlist
- Delete playlist by id
- Get all playlists
- Get playlist by playlist ID at certain playlist index
- Get playlist by playlist type
- Get playlist by UUID
- Get playlist items by playlist id
- Move playlist items on playlist
- Remove all playlist items from playlist by id
- Remove playlist items from playlist by id
- Update playlist by id
- Add tag to existing media episode
- Create new tag with name and optionally pin it to media episode
- Delete tag
- Get all tags
- Get tags by partial name / media episode
- Hide tag on existing media episode
- Pin tag to existing media item
- Remove tag from existing media episode
- Unhide tag on existing media episode
- Unpin tag from existing media episode
- Update tag
- Vote for tag
Returns all blog posts for the given pagination parameters
GET /blog/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 4 | (optional) Limits the number of returned blog posts. Maximum is 50. |
Interface: blogResponse
Returns all blog posts for the given pagination parameters
GET /blog/preview/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 4 | (optional) Limits the number of returned blog posts. Maximum is 50. |
Interface: blogPreviewResponse
GET /blog/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | The blog post ID |
Interface: blogResponse
GET /blog/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | The blog post ID |
Interface: blogPreviewResponse
Returns reduced information about all team members.
GET /bohne/portrait/all
Interface: bohnePortrait
Returns information about a single team member.
GET /bohne/:mgmtid
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mgmtid | number | The RocketMGMT ID for this bohne |
Interface: bohneResponse
Returns reduced information about a given team member.
GET /bohne/portrait/:mgmtid
Name | Type | Default | Description |
mgmtid | number | The RocketMGMT ID for this bohne |
Interface: bohnePortrait
Returns all CMS routes (frontend paths which are connected to CMS pages)
GET /cms/route/all
Interface: cmsRouteResponse
Returns the given CMS page
GET /cms/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | string | The Page ID |
Interface: cmsPageResponse
Returns necessary information for frontend initialization, such as current stream details, cms routes etc.
GET /frontend/init
Interface: frontendInitResponse
Returns information about all episodes for the given Bohne.
GET /media/episode/bybohne/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | RocketMGMT ID of the Bohne | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodeCombinedResponse
Returns information about a single episode.
GET /media/episode/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Episode ID |
Interface: mediaEpisodeCombinedResponse
Returns information about all episodes of a given season.
GET /media/episode/byseason/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Season ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodeCombinedResponse
Returns information about all episodes for the given show.
GET /media/episode/byshow/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodeCombinedResponse
GET /media/episode/preview/newest
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 8 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns random episode ID of all available media episodes
GET /random
Interface: mediaEpisodeRandomVideoResponse
Returns all episodes from subscribed shows and bohnen for the authorised user.
GET /media/abobox/self
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 8 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns information about all unsorted (no season set) episodes for the given show.
GET /media/episode/byshow/unsorted/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns reduced information about all episodes for the given Bohne.
GET /media/episode/bybohne/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | RocketMGMT ID of the Bohne | |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns reduced information about a single episode.
GET /media/episode/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Episode ID |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns reduced information about all episodes of a given season.
GET /media/episode/byseason/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Season ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns reduced information about all episodes for the given show.
GET /media/episode/byshow/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
Returns reduced information about all unsorted (no season set) episodes for the given show.
GET /media/episode/byshow/unsorted/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID | |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 10 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
order | string | ASC | (optional) Sort Order; ASC -> Oldest item First; DESC -> Newest item First |
Interface: mediaEpisodePreviewCombinedResponse
GET /media/show/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 8 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
sortby | string | LastEpisode | (optional) possible values: LastEpisode |
only | string | (optional) possible values: podcast |
Interface: mediaShowResponse
Returns information about the given show.
GET /media/show/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID |
Interface: mediaShowResponse
GET /media/show/preview/featured
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Interface: mediaShowPreviewResponse
Returns paginated, reduced information about all shows.
GET /media/show/preview/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 8 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
sortby | string | LastEpisode | (optional) possible values: LastEpisode |
only | string | (optional) Filters by attribute. Possible values: podcast |
Interface: mediaShowPreviewResponse
Returns reduced information about the given show.
GET /media/show/preview/:id
Name | Type | Default | Description |
id | number | Show ID |
Interface: mediaShowPreviewResponse
Returns minimal information about all shows.
GET /media/show/preview/mini/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
sortby | string | LastEpisode | (optional) possible values: LastEpisode |
only | string | (optional) Filters by attribute. Possible values: podcast |
Interface: mediaShowPreviewMiniResponse
Add playlist items to playlist
POST /playlist/:id/addPlaylistItems
Interface: PlaylistItem
Add playlist items to playlist by playlist type
POST /playlist/addToSystemPlaylist/:playlistType
Interface: PlaylistItem
Create new playlist
POST /playlist
Interface: Playlist
Delete playlist by id
DELETE /playlist/:id
Returns all playlists
GET /playlist/all
Interface: Playlist
Returns playlist by playlist ID at certain playlist index
GET /playlist/:uuid/at/:playlistItemId
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Returns playlist by playlist type
GET /playlist/byType/:playlistType
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Returns playlist by UUID
GET /playlist/:uuid
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Returns playlist items by playlist id
GET /playlist/:uuid/items
Interface: PlaylistItem
Move playlist items on playlist
POST /playlist/:id/movePlaylistItems
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Remove all playlist items from playlist by id
POST /playlist/:id/removePlaylistItems/all
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Remove playlist items from playlist by id
POST /playlist/:id/removePlaylistItems
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Update playlist by id
PUT /playlist/:id
Interface: CombinedPlaylistResponse
Returns sigend url to watch video token
GET /rbsc/video/token/:videoId
Name | Type | Default | Description |
videoId | string | (optional) RBSC Video ID |
Interface: RBSCVideoToken
Returns Information about the current active RBTV Event
GET /rbtvevent/active
Interface: IRBTVEvent
Returns RBTV Event Team Information, restricted to active Events.
GET /rbtvevent/team/:id
Interface: IRBTVEventTeam
Gets the joined Team for the given RBTV Event (which must be active in order to request these information)
GET /rbtvevent/:slug/team
Interface: IRBTVEventTeam
Joins the given Team for the given Event (the event must be active)
POST /rbtvevent/:slug/team/:id/join
Interface: IRBTVEventTeam
Returns the channel schedules fĂĽr given time range
GET /schedule
Name | Type | Default | Description |
startDay | number | Unix Timestamp | |
endDay | number | Unix Timestamp | |
filterChannels | string[] | list of channelIds to filter for |
Interface: ChannelGroupSchedule
Returns the publish schedule.
GET /schedule/publish
Name | Type | Default | Description |
from | number | Unix Timestamp - Start Time (will be normalized to day) |
Interface: UploadSchedule
Returns the program schedule. Each day starts with the first schedule item of type 'live' or 'premiere'. Most of the time this will be "MoinMoin" at 10:30 CEST, except on weekends or when there are 'live'/'premiere' items at 0:00 CEST.
GET /schedule/normalized
Name | Type | Default | Description |
startDay | number | Unix Timestamp - Start Tim | |
endDay | number | startDay+(7*86400) | (optional) Unix timestamp - End Date |
Interface: schedule
Returns the current running/scheduled show
Drop-in replacement for[1.1/]schedule/current
GET /schedule/legacy/current
Interface: ILegacyMGMTScheduleItem
Returns the schedule of the current week, not grouped as Array
Drop-in replacement for[1.1/]schedule
GET /schedule/legacy
Interface: LegacyMGMTScheduleListResponse
Returns the schedule of the current week, grouped by day
Drop-in replacement for[1.1/]schedule/weekdays
GET /schedule/legacy/weekdays
Interface: LegacyMGMTScheduleByDayResponse
Returns the next n scheduled shows, not grouped as Array
Drop-in replacement for[1.1/]schedule/next/:items
GET /schedule/legacy/next/:items
Interface: LegacyMGMTScheduleListResponse
Returns information about all shop products.
GET /simpleshop/product/all
Name | Type | Default | Description |
offset | number | (optional) Offset from the start | |
limit | number | 8 | (optional) Number of items to return. Maximum is 50. |
Interface: simpleShopItem
Returns information about the current viewers. Contains seperate numbers for Youtube, Twitch, and combined.
GET /streamcount
Interface: streamCount
Add tag to existing media episode
POST /tags/add/:tagId
Interface: AddTagResponse
Create new tag
POST /tags
Interface: CreateTagResponse
Deletes tag with given tag id
DELETE /tags/:tagId
Interface: DeleteTagResponse
Returns all tags
GET /tags/all
Interface: GetAllTagsResponse
Searches for tag names starting with name parameter OR tags linked to media episode id parameter
GET /tags
Interface: GetTagsResponse
Hide tag on media episode
POST /tags/hide/:tagId
Interface: HideTagResponse
Pins tag to existing media episode
POST /tags/pin/:tagId
Interface: PinTagResponse
Remove tag fromn media episode
POST /tags/remove/:tagId
Interface: RemoveTagResponse
Un-hide tag on media item
POST /tags/unhide/:tagId
Interface: UnhideTagResponse
Unpins tag from existing media episode
POST /tags/unpin/:tagId
Interface: UnpinTagResponse
Update tag details
PUT /tags/:tagId
Interface: UpdateTagResponse
Vote for tag
PUT /tags/vote/:tagId
Interface: VoteTagResponse
Returns information about the current user, amount of Information depends on requested Scopes.
GET /user/self
Interface: entityUserResponse