For Laravel 5.1, check out master branch
I enjoy creating API's and I have worked on many projects that required them. But the problem I always faced was setting up all the boilerplate code. For example each end point needs a migration, model, controller, repository, and on and on. I wanted a way to streamline this process and that is how this package was born.
This API generator allows you to use artisan commands to automatically generate all these files saving you time. Not only does it auto generate the files but it will set the namespaces.
The artisan command can generate the following items:
- Migration File
- Model
- Repository
- Controller
- View
- index.blade.php
- show.blade.php
- create.blade.php
- edit.blade.php
- fields.blade.php
- adjusts routes.php
And your simple CRUD API is ready in mere seconds.
Here is the full documentation.
We are no longer using our own APIExceptionsHandler
to send API fail responses and using Laravel's own HttpResponseException
to overcome App\Exceptions\Handler
overwrite problem.
So we removed all extra Exception files. so you need to remove those things from your API Controllers.
In all your API Controllers and find
throw new RecordNotFoundException
. -
Replace it with
. -
Remove use statements
use Mitul\Generator\Exceptions\AppValidationException; use Mitul\Generator\Exceptions\RecordNotFoundException;
Remove throw statement from PHPDoc Blocks of functions
@throws AppValidationException @throws RecordNotFoundException
Enjoy Upgrade :)
Upgrade Guide for older versions.
Add this package to your composer.json:
"require": { "mitulgolakiya/laravel-api-generator": "1.3.*" }
Run composer update
composer update
Add the ServiceProviders to the providers array in
As we are using these two packages illuminate/html & laracasts/flash as a dependency.
so we need to add those ServiceProviders as well.'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider', 'Laracasts\Flash\FlashServiceProvider', 'Mitul\Generator\GeneratorServiceProvider'
Also for convenience, add these facades in alias array in
.'Form' => 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade', 'Html' => 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade', 'Flash' => 'Laracasts\Flash\Flash'
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mitul\Generator\GeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=config
Fire artisan command to generate API, Scaffold with CRUD views or both API as well as CRUD views.
php artisan mitul.generator:api ModelName php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold ModelName php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api ModelName
php artisan mitul.generator:api Project php artisan mitul.generator:api Post php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold Project php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold Post php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api Project php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api Post
If you want to use SoftDelete trait with your models then you can specify softDelete option.
php artisan mitul.generator:api ModelName --softDelete
php artisan mitul.generator:api Post --softDelete
Enter the fields with options
And you are ready to go. :)
Config file (config/generator.php
) contains path for all generated files
- Path where Migration file to be generated
- Path where Model file to be generated
- Path where Repository file to be generated
- Path where Controller file to be generated
- Path where API Controller file to be generated
- Path where views will be created
- Path where request file will be created
- Path of routes.php (if you are using any custom routes file)
- Namespace of Model
- Namespace of Repository
- Namespace of Controller
- Namespace of API Controller
- Namespace for Request
- Use custom Model extend
- Namespace of custom extended model
- Class name to extend
- API Prefix
Here is the input for the fields by which you can specify Input.
Parameters will be in the same sequence as Blueprint
class function for all types.
Option will be printed as it is given in input except unique & primary.
Remember: This response structure is based on the most of my API response structure, you can change it to your API response after file generation in controller.
"message":"success message",
data can be anything as per response.
"message":"failure message",
"code": 0
data will be optional. And code will be error code.
While generating scaffold, all views are created with basic CRUD functionality.
Views will be created in resources/views/modelName
index.blade.php - Main Index file for listing records
create.blade.php - To insert a new record
edit.blade.php - To edit a record
fields.blade.php - Common file of all model fields, which will be used create and edit record
show.blade.php - To display a record
Sometimes, we are using different namespace rather than default App
Generator's AppBaseController
is extending Laravel's App\Http\Controllers\Controller
. so while using diff namespace, we need to publish it with custom namespace.
You need to give a full path of default Controller with your namespace as input. For e.g.,
php artisan mitul.generator.publish:base_controller "MyApp\Http\Controllers\Controller"
It will generate AppBaseController again with extending custom namespace controller.
Publish templates into
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mitul\Generator\GeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=templates
Leave only those templates that you want to change. Remove the templates that do not plan to change.
Add the remaining files to git and make your magic!
If you want to pass fields from file then you can create fields json file and pass it via command line. Here is the sample fields.json
You have to pass option --fieldsFile=absolute_file_path_or_path_from_base_directory
with command. e.g.
php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api Post --fieldsFile="/Users/Mitul/laravel-api-generator/fields.json"
php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api Post --fieldsFile="fields.json"
Include search functionality in view index.php
You have to pass option --search
with command. e.g.
php artisan mitul.generator:scaffold_api Post --search"
![Image of Command Execution] (
![Image of Generated Files] (
![Image of Migration File] (
![Image of Model File] (
![Image of Repository File] (
![Image of Controller File] (
![Image of View Files] (
This API Generator is created by Mitul Golakiya.
Bugs & Forks are welcomed :)