NotifyMe is an resource for AltV. You can send Big/Little/Banner Notifications to your Users with it!
- Import NotifyMe
import * as notify from 'notify-me'
- Create your Notifications!
notify.bigNotification(player,'your header','your second text','type or blank');
notify.littleNotification(player,'your text', 'type or blank');
notify.bannerNotification(player,'your text', 'URL to Picture');
notify.bigNotification('your header','your second text','type or blank');
notify.littleNotification('your text', 'type or blank');
notify.bannerNotification('your text', 'URL to Picture');
info == Blue
danger == Red
success == Green
warning == Yellow
import * as notify from 'notify-me';
alt.on('playerDeath', function(victim,killer){
notify.bigNotification(victim,'Bruh you just died','I guess thats sucks tho','danger');
notify.littleNotification(killer,'Now you have blood on your hands!','success');