Various scripts, one-liners, basrc functions etc that I've written, found, plagiarize or otherwise found useful
A few wrapper shell scripts to make it eaiser for me to create different branches,tags and revisions. More are forthcoming... unless I get the team to move ✨ git ✨
Some bash scripts.
- my laptop rsync backup
- remove old kernels that always seem to pile up2
- - generic program that can be changed to output various active directory data
I love solving problems with code, but sometimes that can be hard when you work in a cubicle and need some quite time to work through a solution. Enter warpcore. A simple little script that uses play from the SoX audio library to generate the Enterprise's warp core noise.
Usage is dead simple. I only implemented two variations, suited to my taste.
warpcore w1
warpcore w2
warpcore q (kills the process)
Oh, I work in Linux (ubuntu mostly) and OSX and you may need to install these.... Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins libasound2-python libsox-fmt-all
sudo apt-get install sox
brew install sox