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WeeWX service to fetch data from disdrometers or present weather sensors like Ott Parsivel2 or Thies LNM

Please note: Actually the TCP connection is tested only.



General overview

In general you need:

  • a disdrometer or present weather sensor like Ott-Hydromet Parsivel2 or Thies LNM (And there are people, who made disdrometers themselves as a DIY project.)
  • a converter from RS485 to whatever your computer understands (RS485-to-ethernet converter or RS485-to-USB converter)
  • a 24V DC power supply (I recommend using a model including an accumulator for uninterupted supply)
  • in case you want to use WLAN a WLAN adapter
  • an electric cabinet for outdoor usage to put the power supply and the converter(s) in
  • cable glands, wires, connectors etc.

Parts list

For example I used the following components:

item amount description manufacturer
01 1 pc. laser disdrometer Parsivel2 Ott Hydromet GmbH
02 1 pc. Com-Server++ 58665 Wiesemann & Theis GmbH
03 1 pc. 9 pin sub-D connector female 11904 Wiesemann & Theis GmbH
04 1 pc. power supply APU230V.24V-6A/20Ah *) Rinck Electronics Germany GmbH
05 1 pc. electric cabinet AX 400x500x210 art. 1045000 (including mounting plate and assembling material) RITTAL GmbH & Co. KG
06 1 set mast mounting set for AX art. 2584100 RITTAL GmbH & Co. KG
07 0.40 m top hat DIN rail IEC/EN 60715
08 2.33 m pipe 2"

*) If the grid power is more reliable at your location than at mine, you can order that power supply with a smaller accumulator.

Wiesemann & Theis Com-Server++

This is one possible means to connect the disdrometer to the computer. To use it you have to set up the Com-Server++ to RS485 2-wire communication. Open the device as described in the manual and set the DIP switches as follows:


2 pins of the sub-D connector are used only:

  • pin 2: RxD A/-
  • pin 7: RxD B/+

If the distance between the Com-Server++ and the disdrometer is not short or both devices are connected to different power supplies, you additionally need an isolator. In case of doubt see the user's manual of the disdrometer for requirements. Please note, that you alone are responsible for what you do.


  • WeeWX (of course)
  • SQLite3
  • python3-configobj
  • python3-requests (if the device offers a restful service)
  • python3-serial (if the device is connected by USB or serial)

Installation instructions

  1. download

    wget -O
  2. run the installer

    WeeWX up to version 4.X

    sudo wee_extension --install

    WeeWX from version 5.0 on

    sudo weectl extension install
  3. edit configuration in weewx.conf

    Before using this extension you have to set up which devices to be queried and which variables to be fetched. See section "Configuration" for details.

    Caution! If you want to save the readings to a separate database and have it created properly, you have to edit the configuration file before you first start WeeWX after installing the extension.

    If you want to add additional variables afterwards you have to extend the database schema manually by using the wee_database utility. This is not done automatically.

  4. restart weewx

    for SysVinit systems:

    sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
    sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start

    for systemd systems:

    sudo systemctl stop weewx
    sudo systemctl start weewx


It is possible to configure more than one device.

General options

  • enable: If True or omitted, retrieve data from that device. If False, that subsection is not used. (optional)
  • log_success: If True, log successful operation. If omitted, global options apply. (optional)
  • log_failure: If True, log unsuccessful operation. If omitted, global options apply. (optional)
  • data_binding: data binding to use for storage
  • db_timeout: thread database access timeout (optional, default 10s)
  • weathercodes: device to get present weather codes from (use the section name of the device configuration section)
  • visibility: device to get visbility reading from (use the section name of the device configuration section)
  • precipitation: Generally the readings of rain and rainRate are not provided by this extension but by the driver that is set up by the station_type key in the [Station] section of weewx.conf. In case you want this extension to provide rain and rainRate you can set up precipitation to point to the device subsection of the device you want to get the readings from. Default is not to provide rain and rainRate.
  • rainDur: device to get rainDur from.
  • freezingPrecipDetectionSource: source of the indicator value used to decide about freezing precipitation. Possible values are:
    • software: The value is calculated out of temperature readings within this extension. This is the default.
    • hardware: The value is provided by some sensor or device by setting the observation type frostIndicator. If reading the device requires some extra WeeWX extension, that extension must be included in the data_services list of weewx.conf before user.precipmeter.PrecipData.
    • a subsection of the PrecipMeter section that describes the device to get the information from.
    • none: Freezing precipitation detection shall not be performed.
  • AWEKAS: list of subsections to retrieve data for the AWEKASpresentweather observation type from

Connection configuration

  • host: host name or IP address of the device to get data from
  • port: port number
  • timeout: request timeout (optional, default is 0.5s)
  • retries: request retries (0 is no retries) (optional, default is no retries)
  • query_interval: query interval (optional, default 5s)

Authentication configuration

Actually none.

Postprocessing configuration

  • temp2m: observation type of air temperature 2m above ground (default outTemp)
  • temp5cm: observation type of air temperature 5cm above ground (default no observation available)
  • soil5cm: observation type of soil temperature 5cm below ground (default soilTemp1)
  • windSpeed: observation type of wind speed (default windSpeed)
  • windSpeed10: observation type of 10 minutes average of wind speed (default windSpeed10)
  • windGust: observation type of wind gust (default windGust)

Device configuration

  • model: device model (actually Ott-Parsivel1, Ott-Parsivel2, Thies-LNM or generic)
  • prefix: observation type name prefix (default ott for Ott-Parsivel or thies for Thies-LNM)
  • telegram: telegram configuration as set up in the device (Instead of this key a [[[loop]]] sub-subsection can be used to define the observation types measured by the device.)
  • field_separator: data field separator. Optional. Default is ;.
  • record_separator: data record separator. Optional. Default is \r\n
  • error_limit: How long a precipitation must last at least to be considered real precipitation and not erroneous reading? In seconds. (Please note: Disdrometers sometimes create false-positive results.)

See WeeWX Customization Guide for a list of predefined units and unit groups.

The observation types are automatically registered with WeeWX.


Note: This section is about WeeWX accumulators and their use together with this extension. For the internal accumulation because of different data intervals see the wiki page.

Accumulators define how to aggregate the readings during the archive interval. This extension tries to set up reasonable accumulators. If they do not work for you, you can set up accumulators manually in the [Accumulator] section of weewx.conf. See WeeWX Accumulators wiki page for how to set up accumulators in WeeWX.

The accumulator firstlast does not work for numeric values of this extension. The reason is that the database schema within this extension includes all numeric values in the list of daily summeries tables. But WeeWX let you have an observation type either with a daily summeries table or the firstlast accumulator, not both.

Additionally the accumulator 'firstlast' as of version 4.10.2 converts all values to strings. So it is not suitable for values other than strings (like numbers or lists), anyway.

For the present weather ww and wawa this extension includes its own accumulator. It omits readings that are opposite to the readings before and after. This is because the propability of error ist about 3%. That is quite frequent. So it is handled specially.

Example configuration


    # additional section for an extra database to store the disdrometer data
    # optional!
        database = precip_sqlite
        table_name = archive
        manager = weewx.manager.DaySummaryManager
        schema = user.precipmeter.schema

    # additional section for an extra database to store disdrometer data
    # optional!
        database_name = precipmeter.sdb
        database_type = SQLite

        data_services = ..., user.precipmeter.PrecipData
        archive_services = ..., user.precipmeter.PrecipArchive

    data_binding = precip_binding
    weathercodes = Parsivel # or Thies
    visibility = Parsivel # or Thies
    temp5cm = extraTemp1
    freezingPrecipDetectionSource = software
        enable = True # or False
        model = Ott-Parsivel2
        prefix = ott
        telegram = "%13;%01;%02;%03;%07;%08;%34;%12;%10;%11;%18;/r/n"
        type = tcp # udp tcp restful usb none
        host = replace_me
        port = replace_me
        enable = True # or False
        model = Thies-LNM
        prefix = thies
        telegram = 4 # 4...10, default 4
        type = tcp # udp tcp restful usb 
        host = replace_me
        port = replace_me
        enable = True # or False
        model = generic
        type = tcp # udp tcp restful usb
        host = replace_me
        port = replace_me
        field_separator = replace_me
        record_separator = replace_me
                name = replace_me # observation type name
                unit = replace_me # supplied unit
                group = replace_me # unit group
                sql_datatype = replace_me # REAL, INTEGER, VARCHAR(...)
                description = replace_me # observation type description
                name = replace_me # observation type name
                unit = replace_me # supplied unit
                group = replace_me # unit group
                sql_datatype = replace_me # REAL, INTEGER, VARCHAR(...)
                description = replace_me # observation type description

Observation types

General observation types

  • ww: most significant present weather code according to WMO table 4677 during the archive interval, enhanced by this extension
  • wawa: most significant present weather code according to WMO table 4680 during the archive interval, enhanced by this extension
  • presentweatherWw: present weather code according to WMO table 4677 at the end of the archive interval. This is the weather condition that started at the time presentweatherStart reports and lasted for the time presentweatherTime reports.
  • hourPresentweatherW1: 1st past weather code according to WMO table 4561 for the last 60 minutes, related to presentweatherWw
  • hourPresentweatherW2: 2nd past weather code according to WMO table 4561 for the last 60 minutes, related to presentweatherWw and hourPresentweatherW1
  • presentweatherWawa: present weather code according to WMO table 4680 at the end of the archive interval. This is the weather condition that started at the time presentweatherStart reports and lasted for the time presentweatherTime reports.
  • hourPresentweatherWa1: 1st past weather code according to WMO table 4531 for the last 60 minutes, related to presentweatherWawa
  • hourPresentweatherWa2: 2nd past weather code according to WMO table 4531 for the last 60 minutes, related to presentweatherWawa and hourPresentweatherWa1
  • presentweatherStart: timestamp of the beginning of the present weather
  • presentweatherTime: time elapsed since last change of the present weather
  • precipitationStart: timestamp of the beginning of the present precipitation period or None if actually no precipitation takes place.
  • frostIndicator: indicator if the conditions for freezing rain or freezing drizzle are met.
  • visibility: visibility, derived from MOR
  • AWEKASpresentweather: present weather code according to the specification of AWEKAS. This observation type is provided if and only if the reading changes. This is due to the fact that AWEKAS interprets that observation type as some kind of alert to be sent once and then persisting until a new message arrives. See wiki page AWEKAS for additional information and instructions how to use it.

To get the most significant weather of some timespan, use the max aggregation type for ww and wawa, for example $day.ww.max

To convert the present weather code into a symbol or icon look for the $presentweather tag provided by weewx-DWD.

Example of weather icons supplied by $presentweather:

drizzle rain hail rain and snow snow

The observation types ww, wawa, presentweatherStart, and presentweatherTime are derived from the device that is set by the weathercodes key. The observation type visibility is derived from the device that is set by the visibility key. If the configuration keys weathercodes or visibility are omitted or point to an unknown subsection, the respective observation types are omitted.

Ott Hydromet Parsivel and Parsivel2

Those observation type names are prepended by the prefix defined in weewx.conf. Default is ott.

  • SNR: serial number of the device
  • queryInterval:
  • sensorState: 0 - ok, 1 - dirty but measurement is still possible, 2 - dirty, no measurement possible, 3 - laser defective
  • errorCode:
  • wawa: present weather code according to WMO table 4680
  • ww: present weather code according to WMO table 4677
  • METAR: present weather code according to WMO table 4678
  • NWS: present weather code according to NWS
  • rainRate: rain rate
  • rainAccu: accumulated rain since power-on
  • rainAbs: absolute amount of rain
  • snowRate: snow intensity
  • dBZ: radar reflectivity factor
  • MOR: meteorological optical range (visibility) in precipitation (This reading does not report fog induced visibility reduction.)
  • raw0000 to raw1023: raw data (no. 93)
  • rain: amount of precipitation during the archive interval (calculated by this extension, not provided by the device)
  • rainDur: duration of precipitation during the archive interval (calculated by this extension, not provided by the device)
  • history: history of the present weather codes of the last hour. This is for debugging purposes. The internal structure of the value may change without notice.

Thies LNM

Those observation type names are prepended by the prefix defined in weewx.conf. Default is thies.

  • SNR: serial number of the device
  • wawa: present weather code according to WMO table 4680
  • ww: present weather code according to WMO table 4677
  • METAR: present weather code according to WMO table 4678
  • precipRate: precipitation intensity (all kind of precipitation)
  • rainRate: intensity of liquid precipitation
  • snowRate: intensity of solid precipitation
  • rainAccu: accumulated rain since power-on
  • dBZ: radar reflectivity factor
  • MOR: meteorological optical range (visibility) in precipitation (This reading does not report fog induced visibility reduction.)
  • rain: amount of precipitation during the archive interval (calculated by this extension, not provided by the device)
  • rainDur: duration of precipitation during the archive interval (calculated by this extension, not provided by the device)
  • history: history of the present weather codes of the last hour. This is for debugging purposes. The internal structure of the value may change without notice.

Present weather codes

In general disdrometers use a subset of the WMO code tables.

WMO code table 4677 ww WMO code table 4680 wawa
WMO-Code-Tabelle 4677 WMO-Code-Tabelle 4680

These symbols and appropriate description texts can be displayed by the $presentweather tag.

Aggregation types

To describe the weather during a past period of time, the WMO defined 2 code tables, that are much simpler and shorter than ww and wawa. Therefore, if you want to aggregate the present weather you need to convert the the codes vom table 4677 to 4561 or 4680 to 4531, respectively. That is, what the special aggregation types provided by this WeeWX extension do.

  • wmo_W1: get the most significant weather during the given timespan as table 4561 code
  • wmo_W2: get the second significant weather during the given timespan as table 4561 code
  • wmo_Wa1: get the most significant weather during the given timespan as table 4531 code
  • wmo_Wa2: get the second significant weather during the given timespan as table 4531 code
  • max: get the most significant weather during the given timespan using the original code table. This is generally the maximum of the the weather codes within the timespan, but the WMO defined some exception, that are observed by this special version of the max aggregation type. It is used for observation types of the groups group_wmo_ww and group_wmo_wawa.

Example: $day(data_binding='precip_binding').ww.wmo_W1

Usage in skins

Present weather icon

If the disdrometer reports precipitation the respective icon is shown. Otherwise an icon representing the cloud coverage according to the forecast is shown.

<img src="$presentweather(ww=int($current.ww.raw),n=$hour($data_binding='dwd_binding').cloudcover.avg.raw,night=$almanac.sun.alt<0).belchertown_icon" />

Present weather description

If the disdrometer reports precipitation the respective description is displayed. Otherwise a description of the amount of cloud coverage is displayed.

Note: Without the #if statement the text no cloud development would always be displayed in case of no precipitation.

#if int($current.ww.raw)==0
#set $icontxt=$presentweather(n=$hour($data_binding='dwd_binding').cloudcover.avg.raw,night=$almanac.sun.alt<0).text
#set $icontxt=$presentweather(ww=int($current.ww.raw),n=$hour($data_binding='dwd_binding').cloudcover.avg.raw,night=$almanac.sun.alt<0).text
#end if

If you have a cloud coverage measuring instrument you can set n to the reading of that device instead of using the forecasted value.

Table of current disdrometer readings

Example table:

    <table class="table-striped">
        <td><img src="$relative_url/images/$presentweather(ww=int($current.ottWw.raw),n=$hour($data_binding='dwd_binding').cloudcover.avg.raw,night=$almanac.sun.alt<0).belchertown_icon"
        width="70px" /></td>
        ## $presentweather(wawa=int($current.ottWawa.raw)).text
        #if int($current.ww.raw)==0
        #end if
        <td><img src="$relative_url/images/$presentweather(ww=int($current.ww.raw),n=$hour($data_binding='dwd_binding').cloudcover.avg.raw,night=$almanac.sun.alt<0).belchertown_icon"
        width="70px" /></td>
        ## $presentweather(wawa=int($current.wawa.raw)).text

The $presentweather tag is available from weewx-DWD.

Table of present weather during the last hour

If you doubt the reason for some present weather code in ww or wawa you can inspect the history observation type to get a list of the detected weather during the last hour. The following example creates a table showing start and end of each individual weather, its duration, the respective values of ww and wawa and - if there is precipitation - the start time of the precipitation. If there is no weather change during the last hour, no table is shown at all.

In this example you also learn how to use the ValueTuple and ValueHelper classes for calculated values in WeeWX templates.

#from weewx.units import ValueTuple, ValueHelper
    #if $len($current.ottHistory.raw)>1
    <p>Wetterzustände der letzten Stunde:</p>
    <table class="table-striped">
      #for $ii in reversed($current.ottHistory.raw)
      #set $start=ValueHelper(ValueTuple($ii[0],'unix_epoch','group_time'),formatter=$station.formatter)
      #set $stop=ValueHelper(ValueTuple($ii[1],'unix_epoch','group_time'),formatter=$station.formatter)
      #set $precipstart=ValueHelper(ValueTuple($ii[4],'unix_epoch','group_time'),formatter=$station.formatter)
      #set $duration=ValueHelper(ValueTuple($ii[1]-$ii[0],'second','group_deltatime'),formatter=$station.formatter)
          #if $duration.raw>3600
          #end if
          $('%02d' % ii[2])
          <span style="position:relative;top:4px">$presentweather(ww=$ii[2]).wmo_symbol(width=22)</span>
          $('%02d' % ii[3])
          <span style="position:relative;top:4px">$presentweather(wawa=$ii[3]).wmo_symbol(width=22)</span>
      #end for
    #end if

Example how that table could look like:

present weather history table


See wiki.

How to set up Ott Parsivel2?

  • Open the front cover
  • Connect the PC to the Parsivel2 by an USB wire
  • Start a terminal application on the PC
    • macOS: screen /dev/tty.usb...
    • Windows: PuTTY
  • If the connection is working properly, a data telegram is shown every minute (or whatever interval is set up into the device).
  • Use the commands as described in the Parsivel2 manual

Note: While the USB connection is active, the RS485 interface is not sending data.


  • ERROR thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel': opening connection to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX failed with ConnectionRefusedError [Errno 111] Connection refused, will be tried again

    May be there is another connection active to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX. You cannot have more than one connection at the same time.

    Check the settings of the RS485 to ethernet converter.

    • For type = tcp: Is the TCP server mode enabled?
    • For type = udp: Is sending UDP data enabled? Is the target IP address correct?
  • No reasonable data

    Make sure the telegram string is the same at the Parsivel2 setting and in weewx.conf. To check that connect to the Parsivel2 by USB and enter the command CS/L<CR>. That shows the current configuration. So you can compare.

    If you use the [[[loop]]] subsection, make sure it reflects the Parsivel2 telegram setting appropriately.

    Please take special care on typos.

  • The database is not created properly.

    Check the key schema in the [[precip_binding]] section. It must be schema = user.precipmeter.schema.

    Please note, that the database table is created at the very first run after setting up the PrecipMeter extension. If you change the settings afterwards, the database table schema is not updated. That's due to how WeeWX processes databases.

  • The device reports precipitation for one moment while there is no precipitation around.

    According to the specification about 97% of the present weather readings are correct. That means, up to 3% can be erroneous. So you will see some erroneous results, but that should be rare. Nothing can be done about that. It's the limitation of the device.

  • Typical logging messages

    • At WeeWX start:

      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: PrecipMeter service version 0.3
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread Parsivel2, host XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, poll interval 5
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2': TCP connection to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8000
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: accumulator dict for 'Parsivel2': {'ottRain': {'extractor': 'sum'}, 'ottHistory': {'accumulator': 'firstlast', 'adder': 'noop', 'extractor': 'noop'}, ...
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2' starting
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: PrecipMeter archive version 0.3
      May  8 14:31:00 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: Using binding 'precip_binding' to database 'precip.sdb'
      May  8 14:31:09 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2': sensor ok
    • During normal operation:

      May  8 14:35:18 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: 5 records received from Parsivel2 during archive interval
      May  8 14:40:18 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: 5 records received from Parsivel2 during archive interval
    • At WeeWX stop

      May  8 14:40:57 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2': shutdown requested
      May  8 14:40:59 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2': self.running==False getRecord() select() r [] w [] x []
      May  8 14:40:59 WeatherPC weewx[1234] INFO user.PrecipMeter: thread 'PrecipMeter-Parsivel2' stopped





RS485 adapters

