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  • use githubApiGetProject to get the github project info - reduce with pathExpression constants - only root GET request

  • i.e. its project topics

  • use githubApiGetLogin to get the github login info - reduce with pathExpression constants - only root GET request

  • i.e. its user avatar

  • use getGithubTopics to get the github project topics - deprecated - use githubApiGetProject with GITHUB_PROJECT_TOPICS


npm install github-api-get


// in a module
export {};

// import the function from the library
import { getGithubTopics } from "github-api-get";
import { GITHUB_PROJECT_TOPICS } from './consts.js';

// define a example usage function
export async function realdataTopicsWithPathExpression() {
  const loginName = "roebi";
  const projectName = "01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page";
  const infoLog = true;
  const isProd = true;

  const githubTopics = githubApiGetProject(loginName, projectName, GITHUB_PROJECT_TOPICS, infoLog, isProd); // as Promise<string[]>

  const realGithubTopics = await githubTopics;"realGithubTopics, call of githubApiGetProject with constant GITHUB_PROJECT_TOPICS");"realGithubTopics");;

// run the example
await realdataTopicsWithPathExpression();


real demo see

or direct on

Usage of other APIs

look in the tests: test.ts

github API has a hourly based rate limit

if this limit is reached in a hour, then

the response is in this case a 'Status is 403' Forbidden

and return this Message Object / Json:

  message: "API rate limit exceeded for nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn. (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)",
  documentation_url: ''

see github - rest - resources-in-the-rest-api - rate-limiting

API - new implemented

githubApiGetProject(loginName, projectName, pathExpression, infoLog, isProd)

get github project info - reduce with pathExpression constants

Returns a Promise<any> with the project info


Type: String

The github login name


Type: String

The github project name of the project of a user login


Type: String

filter the project name of the project of a user login


Type: boolean

true Logs group and info into the console


Type: boolean

true Calls fetch to github api, false returns mock data with same structure


Returns a Promise<any>

with a Json / Object of a project reduced with pathExpression

see Example answer Json / Object of a project

githubApiGetLogin(loginName, pathExpression, infoLog, isProd)

get github user info - reduce with pathExpression constants

Returns a Promise<any> with the project info or user info


Type: String

The github login name


Type: String

filter the project namen of the project of a user login


Type: boolean

true Logs group and info into the console


Type: boolean

true Calls fetch to github api, false returns mock data with same structure


Returns a Promise<any>

with a Json / Object of a user login reduced with pathExpression

see Example answer Json / Object of a login of a user

Example answer Json / Object of a project

Github Meta Data of project 'roebi/01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page'

  "name": "01-01-vanilla-HTML5-starter-page",
  "owner": {
     "login": "roebi",
  "html_url": "",
  "description": "vanilla HTML 5 starter page - Have you ever heard of this HTML 5 tags ?",
  "url": "",
  "homepage": "",
  "license": {
    "key": "unlicense",
  "topics": [

Example answer Json / Object of a login of a user

Github Meta Data of user login 'roebi'

  "login": "roebi",
  "avatar_url": "...",
  "url": "",
  "html_url": "",
  "location": "Switzerland",
  "bio": "..."

tip on the behavior of the function

look in the tests: test.ts

API - implemented - deprecated

getGithubTopics(loginName, projectName, infoLog, isProd)

get github project topics as a Array

deprecated: use githubApiGetProject() with pathExpression constant GITHUB_PROJECT_TOPICS


Type: String

The github login name


Type: String

The github project name of the project of a user login


Type: boolean

true Logs group and info into the console


Type: boolean

true Calls fetch to github api, false returns mock data with same structure


Returns a Promise<String[]> with the list of the project topics


"topics": [

tip on the behavior of the function

look in the tests: test.ts