Releases: rogersamso/IdealistaAPIClient.jl
Releases · rogersamso/IdealistaAPIClient.jl
IdealistaAPIClient v0.2.2
Closed issues:
- Search struct is missing the locale field (#19)
Merged pull requests:
- add locale arg, fix Search signature, formatter (#20) (@rogersamso)
IdealistaAPIClient v0.2.1
Merged pull requests:
- v0.2.1 (#17) (@rogersamso)
- fix docs dev and stable urls (#18) (@rogersamso)
IdealistaAPIClient v0.2.0
Merged pull requests:
- Process response (#11) (@rogersamso)
- Update install (#13) (@rogersamso)
- revert to version 2.0.0 (#14) (@rogersamso)
IdealistaAPIClient v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Fix maxSize and minSize checks in property types (#1)
- Reading token expiration date from serialized object (#2)
- Building a testing suite (#3)
- Add to README (#4)
- Add compatibility section in Project.toml (#5)
- Add CI pipeline (#6)
Merged pull requests:
- Improvements to the current documentation (#8) (@rogersamso)