This repository contains dependencies to allow for the execution of CEINMS-RT. It is recommended to download and extract this repository, as it will install all CEINMS-RT dependencies from scratch, including git. A script installs all required software and finally compiles CEINMS, and it requires no input from the user other than the selection of the folder to install CEINMS-RT.
Before Starting, follow the steps:
1 - Open a powershell terminal with administrator rights (CMD will not work) and run the following command. This will allow for the unrestricted execution of powershell scripts.
set-executionpolicy Unrestricted
2 - Enable ssh client on Windows.
Instructions can be found in this page, in the "Install OpenSSH for Windows" section
3 - Create an ssh key. For that, open a terminal and type
Press enter several times to accept the default options, or choose your preferred options based on this page
4 - Setup your ssh key on GitHub.
You can find instruction in Step 3 of this page. The resulting keys can be found in the ~/.ssh folder
6 - Create a Qt Account
CEINMS uses Qt for its GUI. Qt requires an account for installation. Go to Qt Website and create an account. Once the account is created, modify the file qtCredentials.txt with your password and e-mail.
5 - Make sure you have at least 25GB of disk space before you start. Then open a powershell terminal as administrator, move to the main folder of this repository and run the automated installation script as follows:
You might have to still allow the script to run by answering R. You will be prompted after several minutes to choose a folder where CEINMS-RT will be cloned to.
The script will install the following software:
- CMake 3.23
- git
- boost 1.75 for msvc-14.2 x64
- Visual studio 2019 community
- Visual studio build tools 2019 community
- XSD 4.0
- Qt 5.12.11
- Glew 2.1.0
- Opensim core 4.1
- Eigen
- Pagmo2