This is a simple Docker container for running the Duck DNS dynamic DNS update script. It will keep your DNS alias up-to-date as your home IP changes. The script runs every 30 minutes by default.
Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
This docker image is available as a trusted build on the docker index.
sudo docker run --name=duckdns -d -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /config/dir/path:/config rogueosb/duckdns
When run for the first time, a file named duck.conf will be created in the config dir, and the container will exit. Edit this file, adding your domain and token. Then rerun the command.
If you prefer to set environment variables for your docker container instead of using the configuration file, simply comment out the vars in the duck.conf. Note that the file needs to exist, or the container will recreate it.
To check the status, run docker logs duckdns
By default IPv6 is not enabled. In order to enable it, uncomment the line in duck.conf to enable IPv6
IPv6 support by davebv.