Tired of proprietary discord bots? Looking for something that's free and open source? This is the bot for you!
Wilson started as a simple college project which grew in size and went under a few rewrites, each as a closed-source codebase. With the recent revival of discord.py and the 2.0 update, I decided that for the next rewrite coinciding with the discord.py 2.0 update I would make Wilson entirely free and open source, especially since I myself was sick of proprietary closed-source bots (which for all I knew, just farmed data or hid features behind a paywall).
I encourage you to clone, modify and contribute to the project yourself, or just take the source code and make your own bot from it. I don't mind, so long as you adhere to the GNU GPLv3 as specified in the LICENSE
. Happy hacking :)
Wilson is written and configured purely in Python, so some knowledge of Python is naturally required. Some knowledge of the discord.py library is also helpful, even from the base level of configuring the bot. I'd recommend following the examples on the discord.py page beforeheand.
Lastly, to install the dependencies, use pip to intsall the requirements listed in requirements.txt
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
To run with your own bot, you'll need your discord user id and bot token. You will also need to create a configuration file named config.py
, either by copying the res/config.def.txt
file and renaming it, or simply running the main.py
file, to automatically generate it.
# Linux/macOS
python3 ./main.py
# Windows
py -3 ./main.py
You'll need to ammend the following lines (near the top of the config) with your user id and bot token:
owner_id = 0 # Discord User ID
bot_token = '' # Bot token assigned from developer portal
Make any other changes you want to the config, for example to the intents:
# Bot intents
intents = discord.Intents.default()
intents.message_content = True
You can then re-run main.py
and your bot is ready to go!