Code for the paper:
Instance-specific 6-dof object pose estimation from minimal annotations (SII 2020)
Rohan P. Singh, Iori Kumagai, Mehdi Benallegue, Antonio Gabas, Yusuke Yoshiyasu, Fumio Kanehiro
This is a PyTorch code for the training and evaluation of a stacked-hourglass network for detecting pre-defined semantic keypoints of a rigid, non-articulated 3D object in RGB images. Keypoint predictions from the stacked-hourglass network can be fed to a PnP module to obtain the full 6-DoF pose of the object in camera frame. The code currently only supports single-instance case, although it should be easy to modify the scripts for multiple objects. We provide scripts for training the network, evaluating its predictions with respect to a given ground-truth and visualizing the predictions in several ways. Visualizing the predictions in 2D and 3D are frequently needed for gaining a better understanding of the network performance and for debugging potential bugs in the dataset or training procedure.
The code in this repository forms Part-2 of the full software:
Links to other parts:
- Part-1: RapidPoseLabels
- Part-3: Not-yet-available
All or several parts of the given Python 3.7.4 code are dependent on the following:
- PyTorch==1.5.0
- torchvision==0.6.0
- OpenCV
- open3d
- transforms3d
- statistics
We recommend satisfying above dependencies to be able to use all scripts, though it should be possible to bypass some requirements depending to the use case. We recommend working in a conda environment.
Each raw RGB image containing a single object should be labeled with a square bounding-box around the object (center pixel-coordinates and scale) and pixel coordinates of the keypoint locations. Primarily, the labeled training dataset is supposed to be generated using a semi-automated technique proposed in Rapid Pose Label Generation through Sparse Representation of Unknown Objects. The code is expected to be made available soon here: RapidPoseLabels. RapidPoseLabels is able to generate object keypoint labels, bounding-box labels and a sparse keypoint-based 3D object model, without requiring a previously built object CAD. Nevertheless, if the user can prepare a custom dataset by labelling raw RGB images either manually or through some other technique (like manually aligning object CAD model in 3D space and then reprojecting pre-defined keypoints to image plane), it needs to be in the expected format. Hints to prepare the dataset:
Place raw frames in
dir asframe_00000.jpg, frame_00001.jpg ... frame_0xxxx.jpg
. Then, for each raw frameframe_0xxxx.jpg
: -
Place relative coordinates of the bounding box centers in
directory in *.txt files. Format:center/center_0xxxx.txt
<x_center_rel> <y_center_rel>
<x_center_rel> = <center_x_coordinate>/<image_width>
and<y_center_rel> = <center_y_coordinate>/<image_width>
. -
Place scales of the bounding box centers in
directory in *.txt files. Format:scale/scales_0xxxx.txt
where scale is defined as
<scale> = max(<bounding_box_width>, <bounding_box_height>)/200
Place absolute pixel-coordinates of the
pre-defined object keypoints in the image inlabel
directory in *.txt files. Format:label/label_0xxxx.txt
<keypoint_0_x> <keypoint_0_y> <keypoint_1_x> <keypoint_1_y> | | <keypoint_k_x> <keypoint_k_y>
Store the Numpy array for the camera intrinsic parameter matrix in
(only required for full-pose estimation from keypoints) -
Finally, run to train/valid split the dataset. For example:
$ python wrench 10
will look into all jpg images under theframes
directory, and do a random 90-10 split to generatewrench/train.txt
Overview of the data
directory tree is here:
├── data/
│ ├──
│ ├── wrench/
│ │ ├── center/
│ │ ├── frames/
│ │ ├── label/
│ │ ├── scale/
│ │ ├── train.txt
│ │ ├── train.txt
│ │ └── camera_matrix.npy
│ ├── another_dataset_1/
│ └── another_dataset_2/
├── src/...
└── exps/...
To run the training script with default options, use:
$ cd /path-to-base-dir/src/
$ python --dataset ../data/wrench --num_keypts 7
Setting --num_keypts 7
will make the code to expect u,v
coordinates of 7 keypoints in each of label_*.txt
. Hence, please ensure the consistency in the number of keypoints.
Optional command lines to training script can be obtained:
$ python --help
Providing output directory --outdir
option will save training log and weights to the output directory (weights are not saved without this option!!).
For convenience, we provide a script to parse the training log file and plot the train and valid loss curves.
$ python ../exps/0/log
During experimentation, it may be required to compare how to two logs compare to each other. We can plot the valid loss curves of two different experiments as follows:
$ python --log1 ../exps/0/log --log2 ../exps/1/log
We provide a script to use the trained model to make predictions on the validation set (any labeled set) and plot the errors with respect to the ground-truth. The predictions can be visualized with the --visualize
option, which will display, in an OpenCV window, the keypoint predictions and 3D model mesh projected on the 2D RGB image according to the 6-DoF pose estimated using PnP. The mesh is expected as *.off model file and the selected object keypoint definitions in the object frame are provided as a MeshLab *.pp file.
$ python --weights <path_to_weights_file> --dataset <path_to_dataset>
--obj_off <path_to_off_file> --obj_inf <path_to_pp_file> --verbose --visualize
This will, by default, display a cv window which shows the predicted keypoints in red and ground-truth keypoints in green (on the right), the projection of pose estimated from predicted keypoints in middle and that from ground-truth keypoints on the right.
Sometimes, instead of a 2D projection, user may require visualizing the estimated 6-DoF pose and the pose estimated from ground-truth keypoint annotations in a 3D environment for better debugging. For this, we use open3d to provide a rather basic visualization feature. To enable this, un-comment the following line in #vis.visualize_3d(out_poses[0], tru_poses[0])
The open3d visualization will look somewhat as follows (TODO: fix camera viewpoint). Here the green object is the true pose and the red is the predicted one.
Picking points in MeshLab using the PickPoints tool produces a *.pp file like below, which is then parsed to obtain the 3D object points. Again, please ensure the sequence and number of keypoints is consistent.
<!DOCTYPE PickedPoints>
<DateTime time="13:57:53" date="2020-05-01"/>
<User name="rohan"/>
<DataFileName name=""/>
<templateName name="new Template"/>
<point x="-0.13846" y="-0.02119" z="0.0218537" active="1" name="0"/>
<point x="-0.0970746" y="-0.0211021" z="0.0218537" active="1" name="1"/>
<point x="-0.0983204" y="-0.0596115" z="0.0218537" active="1" name="2"/>
<point x="0.0416884" y="-0.0156214" z="0.0117291" active="1" name="3"/>
<point x="0.0728224" y="-0.0261951" z="0.011768" active="1" name="4"/>
<point x="0.104821" y="-0.020917" z="0.0136446" active="1" name="5"/>
<point x="0.208068" y="-0.0219506" z="0.0258971" active="1" name="6"/>
- script currently works only for batch_size=1 (a larger batch size may be required for quicker evaluation of large datasets).
- Ideally, shouldn't require .off model file if visualization is not enabled.
- Tested only with all raw images in 640x480 resolution.
- Image cropping in preprocessing step is inefficient due to large zero-padded area.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
The general idea of object pose estimation using semantic keypoints is mainly based on 6-DoF Object Pose from Semantic Keypoints. Some parts of this code are inspired and adapted from the following works on human pose estimation. If you use this code consider citing ours and the respective works.
If you find this work useful in your own research:
title={Instance-specific 6-dof object pose estimation from minimal annotations},
author={Singh, Rohan P and Kumagai, Iori and Gabas, Antonio and Benallegue, Mehdi and Yoshiyasu, Yusuke and Kanehiro, Fumio},
booktitle={2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII)},