This project is a Jupyter Notebook that explores the concept of graph isomorphism. The notebook explains what a graph is, what isomorphism means, and how it applies to graphs. It also demonstrates how to determine if two graphs are isomorphic using Python and the NetworkX library.
To run this project, you will need the following:
- Python 3.x
- Jupyter Notebook
- NetworkX library
- Matplotlib library
- Numpy Library
- Itertools Library
You can install the required libraries by running the following command:
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
To use this project, Click into Graph_Isomorphism.ipynb as github will display the notebook or clone the repository and run the Jupyter Notebook file Graph_Isomorphism.ipynb in Jupyter Notebook.
Graph_Isomorphism.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook file that explains and demonstrates graph isomorphism using Python and NetworkX library. This README file.
This project was created by Rohan sikder for ATU as a part of the Graph Theory Module.