Curious Cat is a Blog Web Site. It is made using Node JS and Express as the Framework. The Database used in this project is MySQL.
- This website uses sessions for logged users.
- The package used for maintaining session is express-session.
- A registered user can create a Blog and post it.
- If an unregistered user tries to post it is redirected to signup page.
- At the time of creating blog user can choose a category from a specified list.
- Only Owner of the user can delete the blog.
- A proper message is displayed when a user tries to delete someone else's blog followed by a redirection.
- Only Owner of the blog can edit it.
- User can edit the title as well as change the category of the Blog.
- Edit Buttons appears only to the Owner of the Blog.
- Every Time home page loads a random quotes appers.
- Home page is dynamic. Every Time new blog is added home page changes.
- Home Page Contains many Blogs each with Title, author and maximum word of 500 and a read more button.
- Clicking on read more button opens full article, and edit button also appears if current user is the owner.
- Articles section under user menu changes whenever user writes, deletes or edits a article.
- When a user creates a blog a dynamic url is alloted for that particular blog.
- Anyone can view any blog through blogID using url.
- A registered user can see all its posts sorted by date from oldest to newest.
- User's password is hashed using bcrypt and added saltrounds.
- Cookies stored in browser is encrypted.
- Anyone other than owner of a particular blog cannot edit or delete it.
- During Signup Strict checking is done.
- Navigation bar changes as per the user logged in status.
- All the pages are responsive.
- During signup a user can upload a profile picture.
- During Blog Creation user can post pictures with the Blog.
- MySQL Database is used.
- Three tables are used
- Users
- Blogs
- Quotes