Make your Interview Hit with Interview Lit
It is a Docker-based sandbox environment for running code snippets. For each piece of provided code, it builds a fresh Docker-based container, executes it, and then returns the results. The major programming languages C, C++, Python, Java, and javascript are supported, and more language support can be added. It can also be used as a platform for interviews where the interviewer can create a special link or code. By using the specially constructed URL or code, a user may access the interview. The screen will be shared in real time after clicking on a specific link to start the interview. It implies that any modifications made to one screen will be reflected on all users' screens during that specific interview. They can use a video call at any time during the interview.
Home Screen
The homepage consists of the following elements: Login with Google , IDE for Coding , Host an Interview , Enter an Interview , Hosted Interviews
IDE Screen:
- Dual Theme Implementation (Light and Dark Mode)
- Various Languages Support: c, c++, python, java, javascript
- IDE to Code
- Input: Input Section for input of the Code if required
- Output: Output Section to Display the Output or to Show Error if occurred.
Hosted Interviews Screen:
- List of Previously Hosted Interview Codes: Contains Timestamps, Share Code , Enter Internview, Delete, Copy Interview Link functionality
Interview Screen:
All features are same as that of "IDE Screen" with following additional features.
- Docker for Containerisation
- Socket io Realtime
- Node.js and Express Backend
- Mongodb for Database
- Reactjs Frontend
- Redux State Management
git clone
cd rce-server
npm install
cd client
npm install
cd rce-server
cd executor
docker build -t executor:1.0 .
npm run dev
npm start