My latest vimrc it includes vundle configurations for:
- YouCompleteMe
- Ultisnippets
- vim-localvimrc
- Nerdtree
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-livedown
- vim-airline
- vim-fugitive
- syntastic
- vimtex
- and others that have been installed to make the upper plugins work nicely together.
Note: This vimrc is in most cases not sutable for server environments.
For the setup it is assumed that you have installed vundle. If this is set up, you can install the vimrc:
cd ~/.vim
git clone
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
mkdir -p ~/.vim/tmpFiles
vim +PluginInstall +qall
If you haven't used YouCompleteMe so far you have to set up this too. If so you will see a message after executing PluginInstall that tells you to install YouCompleteMe. Further instructions can be found in the install section of YouCompleteMe.
This .vimrc uses solarized color shemes for extensions. If you use vim in a gui like gvim you have to configure it to use solarized colors. Otherwise you have to configure your terminal emulator, this can be done for the gnome terminal with these helpfull scripts. If you want to use a different color sheme you have to change the configurations for the extensions.
To make vim-livedown work you have to install node as well as livedown:
sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-legacy
# install livedown globally
sudo npm install -g livedown
To make the vim-airline plugin work properly you have to install powerline-fonts.
Syntastic does not bring any style checkers by itself. Therefore you have to install style checkers for the languages you want to work with. Compatible style checkers can be found at the syntastic wiki. With this you can install the style checkers i use:
# CSS Linter
npm install -g csslint
# Javascript Linter
npm install -g eslint_d
# Javascript with Angular
npm install eslint-plugin-angular
# Markdown Linter
gem install mdl
# Python3
apt-get install pylint3
pip3 install flake8