While working on tooling that involves introspecting large amounts of HTML and CSS I needed a way to determine if a property would inherit. I compile this reference by reading through the W3C drafts for each property. In properties.ts
a dictionary of CSS properties can be found with some associated meta data. Here's an example of the color
'color': {
inherited: true,
links: {
w3c: [ 'https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-3/#color0', 'https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-3/#color01' ]
This is not published on npm, so for the time being I'd recommend simply copy/pasting the file into your project directly.
This may eventually be expanded to include:
- Information on shorthand properties
- Links to MDN articles
- A "related properties" field to allow indexing property types commonly used together.