This project is built with vanilla JavaScript, the CocktailDb API and Bootstrap.
I used the basic principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript to build a component-based structure for the data. The main components are created and updated dynamically based on the responses from the CocktailDB API.
The CocktailDB API provides the data for all the cocktails' images, ingredients and other details. It's a free open crowd-sourced database of drinks and cocktails from around the world.
Boostrap was used for the various UI elements such as the navigation, menus, buttons and modals. It's a free, open source CSS Framework for developing responsive websites.
- Run http-server:
npm i -g http-server
, then run:http-server -c-1
- Run nodemon with http-server:
npm i -g http-server
,npm i nodemon -g
then:nodemon --exec http-server
orwhich http-server
- click 'Open in Browser' or from the Terminal, click the link Forwarded Address link from PORTS