Slashorg is a program that let’s you read the contents of the frontpage of inside a org buffer.
You need to have w3m installed before you can use slashorg.
On a Ubuntu machine you can use the following command:
sudo apt-get install w3m
You also need to have org-mode installed. Most recent versions of Emacs already have it installed, but if yours doesn’t, you will need to install it.
You can also install org-mode using your package manager. For example, on a Ubuntu machine you can use the following command:
sudo apt-get install org-mode
Download the slashorg.el file and put it somewhere in your load-path.
Add the following to your .emacs file:
(autoload 'slashorg "slashorg" "Read the front page of as a `org-mode' buffer." t)
To use it, type M-x slashorg
Create installation instructions for windows (can it run w3m?)