eases the manipulation of css files with the functions read_css
and write_css
You can install css from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
# one rstudio css theme
dracula <- paste0(
# reading it with read_css
data <- read_css(dracula)
# ... now it's a tibble ...
#> Observations: 626
#> Variables: 3
#> $ rule <chr> ".ace_gutter ", ".ace_gutter ", ".ace_print-margin ",...
#> $ property <chr> "background", "color", "width", "background", "backgr...
#> $ value <chr> "#282a36", "rgb(144,145,148)", "1px", "#e8e8e8", "#28...
You can then tidyverse it a bit and then save it back to a file using write_css
data <- data %>%
mutate( value = case_when(
property == "background-color" ~ "#ff0000",
TRUE ~ value
tf <- tempfile()
write_css(data, tf)
writeLines( read_lines(tf, n_max = 10))
#> .ace_bracket {
#> margin: 0 !important ;
#> border: 0 !important ;
#> background-color: #ff0000 ;
#> margin: 0 !important ;
#> border: 0 !important ;
#> background-color: #ff0000 ;
#> }
#> .ace_comment {
#> color: #6272a4 ;