Published on Maven Central and jCenter Client for Skyscanner Flight Search API hosted in Rapid Api
Latest version 0.1.10
- provided build.gradle and publish process via bintray-gradle-plugin
- added Places call
- added Localisation call
- added browse quotes for Browse Flight Search
- add all the requests for Browse Flight Search
- add Live Flight Search
Skyscanner has four groups of requests and all has public interfaces with implementations for using.
- Places(added) -> PlacesClient ^ PlacesClientImpl
- Browse Flight Prices(added one request) -> BrowseFlightPricesClient -> BrowseFlightPricesClientImpl
- Localisation(added) -> LocalisationClient ^ LocalisationClientImpl
For example LocalisationClient:
String xRapidApiKey = YOUR-API-KEY;
LocalisationClient client = new LocalisationClientImpl();
List<CurrencyDto> currencyDtos = client.retrieveCurrencies(xRapidApiKey);
// or
String locale = "ru-RU";
List<CountryDto> countryDtos = client.retrieveCountries(locale, xRapidApiKey);