Examples of the usage image-comparison project.
The main idea is to show how to use this comparison tool.
It's easy to add dependency.
Latest version is 4.1.0
compile 'com.github.romankh3:image-comparison:4.1.0'
See the example of the usage below:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// load the images to be compared
BufferedImage bufferedImage1 = ImageComparisonUtil.readImageFromResources("image1.png");
BufferedImage bufferedImage2 = ImageComparisonUtil.readImageFromResources("image2.png");
// where to save the result (leave null if you want to see the result in the UI)
File resultDestination = new File( "result.png" );
//Create ImageComparison object for it.
ImageComparison imageComparison = new ImageComparison( bufferedImage1, bufferedImage2, resultDestination );
//Can be used another constructor for it, without destination.
new ImageComparison("image1.png", "image2.png");
new ImageComparison(bufferedImage1, bufferedImage2);
//Also can be configured BEFORE comparing next properties:
//Threshold - it's the max distance between non-equal pixels. By default it's 5.
//RectangleListWidth - Width of the line that is drawn in the rectangle. By default it's 1.
//Destination. Before comparing also can be added destination file for result image.
//MaximalRectangleCount - It means that would get first x biggest rectangles for drawing.
// by default all the rectangles would be drawn.
//MinimalRectangleSize - The number of the minimal rectangle size. Count as (width x height).
// by default it's 1.
//After configuring the ImageComparison object, can be executed compare() method:
ImageComparisonResult comparisonResult = imageComparison.compareImages();
//Can be found ComparisonState.
ImageComparisonState comparisonState = comparisonResult.getImageComparisonState();
//And Result Image
BufferedImage resultImage = comparisonResult.getResult();
//Image can be saved after comparison, using ImageComparisonUtil.
ImageComparisonUtil.saveImage(resultDestination, resultImage);
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